
macOS 10.13.5 Update

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Not updating. Neither through AppStore neither through Combo Update. PC is just rebooting.
it will reboot to the clover screen, you have to choose "install MacOS from "your HDD" this is because even on a real Mac the Mac reboots to the installer, hacks just do it a little differently and sometimes it can "reboot" more then once, just keep choosing "install MacOS" until that is gone then choose your "HDD"
how can I update to 10.13.5 from 1013.2 !
its keep on rebooting !

Updated to 10.13.5 ;)
only have to change Display Dual link to 1 from 0.
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Hi guys,
Also updated to 10.13.5 without any troubles, Nvidia web driver found update itself after installation and after reboot all seems to work fine.
BUT, I'm using Parallels to run Windows for games and all were perfect on 10.13.4, average FPS was around 60. After update it drops down to 25-29 and it seems to Windows starts work slower itself. Also noticed that Safari start to work slower.
Any suggestions?
Updated with zero problems. DisplayLink display is working again in extended desktop mode! :)
Took me 2 hours to update my experimental boot disk from 10.13.4 to 10.13.5.
I copied my working EFI folder from my 10.13.1 boot disk(I cleaned it up the other day), but this was not sufficient to properly boot 10.3.4 again(black screen). Updated Clover/Lilu/Whatevergreen.
(I experimented with booting without whatevergreen when I installed 10.13.4, but I got a black screen all the time so I got fed up and reverted to using whatevergreen)
I could now boot into 10.13.4 again and proceded with the install.
Not easy to keep my disk in HFS+ format(comboupdater etc. are installed in the wrong place so the HFS+ shell script doesn't work, too lazy to adapt the paths), in the end I gave up and was prepared to change to APFS but after lots of black and grey screens and restarts(that I had to manage because otherwise my hack will boot to my normal SSD and the install won't finish) I can boot to 10.13.5 and my experimental SSD's format is still HFS+.
icloud was nagging about my identity. Am I not supposed to have 2 boot disks with different OS's? I haven't changed my systemid or anything, AFAIK.

Daily driving is still done with 10.13.1. Works well.
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