
GA-Z68XP-UD3P owners

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sorry to hear that, mine still works flawless (apart from the NVIDIA fiasco holding me back at high sierra)

curious : you going to try amd next ?
Yes , I had an rx 560 installed and updated to Catalina before it died. My 2 other Hacks both have AMD RX 560 and a Rx 580 both are from Sapphire and work great.
sorry to hear that, mine still works flawless (apart from the NVIDIA fiasco holding me back at high sierra)

curious : you going to try amd next ?

You wouldn't happen to be looking into upgrading your graphics card to be able to run Catalina would you? I'm not great with hardware and trying to figure out my best options.
I'm not great with hardware and trying to figure out my best options.

Can't really beat AMD cards, they work out of the box.

Actually, since you ask, if I were to upgrade my personal rig, I think I'd go 100% AMD, and that includes the cpu. Probably a 5700xt.

Being stuck on an older version of osx just because of politics isn't really amusing. Been an nvidia customer since I moved past 3dfx cards way back in the day, so yeah, it's sad.

That and the top end cards from NVIDIA are stupid expensive, a 2080ti costs QUADRO money nowadays.

It's great to see competition, and I'm old enough to remember the days where most people's upgrade cycles were between intel and amd, depending on who had the better deal at the time.

Nowadays, it's very tempting to go amd, plenty of people seem to have them running. My first hackintoshes around deadmoo timeframe (2005) did run amd, but the newer methods are lightyears beyond those primitive methods.

For home pc use, NVIDIA and INTEL aren't really relevant to my expectations as a consumer right now.
yes, wanted to give it a bit more testing, not to waste anyone's time

next step is kinda serious, have to remove clover as per

also, I've been looking at the opencore github, and they seem to be preparing an update that will refactor a lot of the code for 0.5.7

current structure is the following (kinda crazy that you simply have to drop this folder on a drive, such progress)

└── EFI
    ├── BOOT
    │   └── BOOTx64.efi
    └── OC
        ├── ACPI
        │   ├── SSDT-EC.aml
        │   ├── SSDT-HPET.aml
        │   └── SSDT-PLUG.aml
        ├── Drivers
        │   ├── ApfsDriverLoader.efi
        │   ├── FwRuntimeServices.efi
        │   └── VBoxHfs.efi
        ├── Icons
        │   ├── background_color.png
        │   ├── font_color.png
        │   ├── font_color_alt.png
        │   ├── os_cata.icns
        │   ├── os_custom.icns
        │   ├── os_debian.icns
        │   ├── os_fedora.icns
        │   ├── os_freebsd.icns
        │   ├── os_linux.icns
        │   ├── os_mac.icns
        │   ├── os_moja.icns
        │   ├── os_recovery.icns
        │   ├── os_redhat.icns
        │   ├── os_ubuntu.icns
        │   ├── os_unknown.icns
        │   ├── os_win.icns
        │   ├── os_win10.icns
        │   └── tool_shell.icns
        ├── Kexts
        │   ├── AppleALC.kext
        │   │   └── Contents
        │   │       ├── Info.plist
        │   │       └── MacOS
        │   │           └── AppleALC
        │   ├── Lilu.kext
        │   │   └── Contents
        │   │       ├── Info.plist
        │   │       └── MacOS
        │   │           └── Lilu
        │   ├── RealtekRTL8111.kext
        │   │   └── Contents
        │   │       ├── Info.plist
        │   │       ├── MacOS
        │   │       │   └── RealtekRTL8111
        │   │       └── Resources
        │   │           └── en.lproj
        │   │               └── InfoPlist.strings
        │   ├── VirtualSMC.kext
        │   │   └── Contents
        │   │       ├── Info.plist
        │   │       └── MacOS
        │   │           └── VirtualSMC
        │   └── WhateverGreen.kext
        │       └── Contents
        │           ├── Info.plist
        │           └── MacOS
        │               └── WhateverGreen
        ├── OpenCore.efi
        └── config.plist
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