
nvidia-update - Simple way to install nVidia web drivers

Feb 4, 2018
GA-B150N Phoenix-WIFI
i7 6700
  1. MacBook Pro
Mobile Phone
  1. Android
Given the recent issues with official nVidia web driver releases (namely 387. and 387., I decided to put together a dead simple one-stop solution for updating to the latest reliable nVidia web drivers.

It's called nvidia-update and hopefully makes life easier for you guys.

The script is open-source (MIT licensed) and pull requests are welcome.

It does the following:

  • Checks for official driver updates for your version of macOS.
  • Cross-references against a list of blacklisted drivers, that it'll avoid installing (by default).
  • Properly uninstalls old drivers.
  • Downloads and installs the latest non-blacklisted drivers.
  • On-the-fly patches driver packages so they can be installed on your version of macOS (if necessary).
  • Patches drivers that you've already installed, if they no longer match your macOS version i.e. post macOS update.
The script has a fair few smarts to it, but is implemented more robustly/carefully than some of the alternatives out there. For example, instead of manually copying files to hard-coded paths, all installation and uninstallation takes place by running nVidia's package (.pkg) files; which install to the correct location and properly clean-up after themselves.


Simply paste the following line in a terminal:

bash <(curl -s

You can of course download/save the script to your computer if you prefer to, doing so gives you access to a couple of advanced options, but for normal use they're not required.

Clover / Boot Configuration

The script doesn't mess with any boot behaviour on your system, and Clover setup is left up to you. You'll likely want the following kernel extensions installed in your EFI Clover kext directory:

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Works great! Solved the performance problems with Nvidia 387. on macOS 10.3.3. Thank you!
Thanks ,you solve my problem. Can I reprint this article to the Chinese Forum? will maintain the article source.
So do you know which version got installed? .104 I guess?

It'll install the most recent non-blacklisted driver, which at the moment is 378.

Presently only 387. and 387. are blacklisted -

EDIT: By the way, it does output which driver it's installed.

You can also run it as often as you like and it'll only download drivers and make changes if necessary (unless you download the script and specifically run it with --force).

For example, at the moment, anyone already running 378. who runs the script will just see the following:

~ bash <(curl -s
Downloading driver blacklist...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 40 100 40 0 0 101 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 102

Downloading driver list...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 54650 100 54650 0 0 41229 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 41214

The latest driver revision is 378.

378. is already installed.​
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Hello, thank you for a great script. Just one question: is it really necessary to modify NVDAStartupWeb.kext? Couldn't we just install NVDAResmanWeb, NVDAGP100HalWeb.kext, GeForceWeb.kext, run kextload for each and let Clover do what it’s already doing, forcing the use of webdriver as soon as it detects the NVIDIA card. I’m asking because at one point in testing NVDAStartupWeb appeared as not loaded and not loadable, but the rest were loaded and graphics seemed ok.
The only thing modified is NVDAStartupWeb's Info.plist, specifically one text field which indicates which macOS version the drivers are for, the binaries are in no way modified.

I believe this is a (near) optimal solution as we're not having to mess around manually loading kexts, which seems far too fragile i.e. the required kexts will be different for different hardware (GPUs) and kexts may change filenames/structure between updates etc. For the most part we're simply using the official drivers exactly as nVidia intended, with the exception of macOS version. Additionally, because the patching happens on installation time if something does go wrong (e.g. nVidia rename "NVDAStartupWeb" to something else), the installation will fail up-front in a very obvious way. This behaviour is deterministic, which is a good thing :)

The only solution that I'd think would be more seamless for users would be if we just automatically patched the drivers from Clover. I've thought about it but aren't too bothered looking into it at the moment, ideally nVidia will stop releasing broken drivers ;)

Regardless, even if we patch the startup kext in Clover, we still need to patch the packages (.pkg) to install them in the first place; so it's not a big deal patching the Info.plist whilst we're at it.
So there is no danger implementing this even if you don't put the suggested kexts in your EFI Clover kext directory? I'm not going to wind up with a black screen if implement this script without the kexts?