
NVIDIA Releases Alternate Graphics Drivers for macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 (387.

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OK...I solved it with all my last settings and SIP set to 0x67.
Problem was CUDA Driver...waiting for the new version.

Thank you very much!

Although I still don't understand why CUDA is not embedded with Web Driver yet...
What the point to have a NVidia GPU without CUDA Support on a Mac?
for photoshop
No need to go back 10.13.1. 10.13.3 is actually an extremely strong release - install the nvidia 104 driver using - problem solved.

I have a Macbook pro I use in the office, and my Hackintosh I use when working from home. Never use a hack as your only Mac for work - its work - buy one - but having it as an option is great!

My Hack is 3x faster than my MBP just because they don't include the latest hardware (wish they would - I'd upgrade immediately).
You are so right...but I have to work with this machine (as it's my main) and I don't have time...
I just have Mac...just in I work with 3D Softwares...
btw, speaking about 3d... what software exactly? because I need 3ds max and for that I have additional windows :D
btw, speaking about 3d... what software exactly? because I need 3ds max and for that I have additional windows :D
I use DAZ3D & Rhino. But only with my DAZ3D Library is NTFS Partition and Mac doesn't like it a lot..:)
post install for the .106 driver
# postinstall perl script
# - set "nvda_drv" NVRAM variable to "1"

use strict;

# select the web driver
my $cmd = "nvram nvda_drv=1";

# done

post install for the .156 driver
# postinstall perl script
# - set "nvda_drv" NVRAM variable to "1"

use strict;

sub IsWebDriverLoaded;
sub IsSIPDisabled;
sub IsWebDriverRejected;

my $cmd;

if (!IsSIPDisabled() and !IsWebDriverLoaded())
    my $USER = $ENV{USER};

    # give the user a chance to open the Security prefPane
    # and click Allow.
    my $retryCount = 0;
    my $rejected = 1;
    while ($retryCount < 6)
        # force the web driver kext approval panel to appear
        # and check if it's loadable ("allowed") or not.
        if (IsWebDriverRejected())
            sleep 5;
            $rejected = 0;
    # the alert message unfortunately shows up right on top
    # of the "allow NVIDIA" OS alert panel.
    while ($rejected)
        # if rejected, open System Preferences to let the user "allow"
        # the web driver kexts to load.
        $cmd = "su $USER -c \"osascript -e 'tell app \\\"System Preferences\\\" to reveal anchor \\\"General\\\" of pane id \\\"\\\"' -e 'tell app \\\"System Preferences\\\" to activate'\"";

        ## check if SIP is not disabled and the web driver is not loaded
        $cmd = "su $USER -c \"osascript -e 'display alert \\\"You may need to open the Security & Privacy Preferences and allow macOS to use this driver.\\\" as critical message \\\"Open the Security & Privacy preference panel, click the Allow button in the General tab, then click the Continue button in this window.\\\" buttons {\\\"Cancel\\\", \\\"Continue\\\"} default button \\\"Continue\\\" cancel button \\\"Cancel\\\"'\"";
        my $r = system($cmd);
        $r >>= 8;
        if ($r != 0)
            # cancelled. select the stock driver.
            $cmd = "nvram -d nvda_drv";
            # and clean up the web driver and prefPane pieces.
            $cmd = "rm -rf /Library/Extensions/NVDA*Web* /Library/Extensions/GeForce*Web* /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce*Web* /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.nvidia.nvroothelper.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.nvagent.plist '/Library/PreferencePanes/NVIDIA Driver Manager.prefPane'";
            exit 1;

        $rejected = IsWebDriverRejected();

# select the web driver
$cmd = "nvram nvda_drv=1";

# done

## check if the web driver is rejected
sub IsWebDriverRejected()
    my $StartupWeb = "/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartupWeb.kext";
    sleep 1;
    my $cmd = "kextutil -tn $StartupWeb";
    my $r = system($cmd);
    $r >>= 8;
    return ($r == 27);

## detect if the web driver is loaded
sub IsWebDriverLoaded()
    ## check if NVDAResmanWeb kext is loaded or not
    my $cmd = "/usr/sbin/kextstat | egrep 'NVDAResman.*Web'";
    my $r = system($cmd);
    $r >>= 8;
    return ($r == 0);

## detect SIP (kext signing) is disabled or not
sub IsSIPDisabled()
    ## check if SIP is competely disabled or at least Kext Signing is disabled
    my $cmd = "/usr/bin/csrutil status | /usr/bin/egrep 'System Integrity Protection status: disabled|Kext Signing: disabled'";
    my $r = system($cmd);
    $r >>= 8;
    return ($r == 0);
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