
HP Probook Installer Clover Edition

I'm sure this has been asked multiple times, however couldn't search it through the forum...

1. What resolution does probook CE's Yosemite theme has? I believe I could replace it with this

No idea... why don't you look at the images yourself.

2. Browsing through Clover options during boot, the text is unreadable unless you select them. Must've been a known issue I reckon for 4540s low resolution?

Sounds like an issue with the theme. There are many other Clover themes to choose from.

3. is there an automated way to retain your config.plist while installing probook CE? Its really pain to copy paste again with your customized plist. I believe there was discussion on that with sample script.

You could certainly write script(s) to do it...
I am also facing an issue when trying to hide my data volume in clover config.
My partition scheme is as follow

0: GUID_partition_scheme *750.2 GB disk0
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Microsoft Basic Data Win7 220.0 GB disk0s2
3: Microsoft Basic Data Data 190.0 GB disk0s3
4: Microsoft Basic Data TRA 11.5 GB disk0s4
5: Apple_HFS iMac 180.0 GB disk0s5
6: Apple_HFS iBackup 147.5 GB disk0s6

I am trying to hard 3rd volume i.e. Data. I have tried to hide it from custom legacy using GUID as well as volume identifier from clover boot log. I even tried Custom Entries with both GUID and volume identifier. Also used clover configuration main section of hide partition. So far nothing seems to work.

Clover seems to pick this partition right using volume identifier and adds the title whatever I wrote in title. However as soon as I check "Hidden" it seems to ignore everything including the title and just put "Windows Legacy HD3".

My config and boot plist are

Try "Hide" section of config.plist:
I'm sure this has been asked multiple times, however couldn't search it through the forum...

1. What resolution does probook CE's Yosemite theme has? I believe I could replace it with this

2. Browsing through Clover options during boot, the text is unreadable unless you select them. Must've been a known issue I reckon for 4540s low resolution?

3. is there an automated way to retain your config.plist while installing probook CE? Its really pain to copy paste again with your customized plist. I believe there was discussion on that with sample script.

My specs are in signature and I have enabled UEFI Hybrid with CSM option in my bios.


Select "Patch DSDT only" if you don't want to recreate config.plist.
>ioreg -p IODeviceTree -c IOACPIPlatformDevice -k cpu-type -k clock-frequency | egrep name  | sed -e 's/ *[-|="<a-z>]//g'

Thanks for your help

Try running SSDT again and give me the log.
Thank you and Rehab, wrote the script too. Apology about ranting earlier.

I'm very busy recently with my study, can't have enough time to answer questions anymore (glad that RehabMan is on his non-stop support train).

New PBI CE beta is out, backup and test it. Make sure you always have CLOVER USB to boot in case the current EFI folder is unbootable.
I'm very busy recently with my study, can't have enough time to answer questions anymore (glad that RehabMan is on his non-stop support train).

New PBI CE beta is out, backup and test it. Make sure you always have CLOVER USB to boot in case the current EFI folder is unbootable.

I understand, everyone has real life to deal with and its important too. Its been years now since you and Rehabman supporting thousands of users. All the best to your study.
I'm very busy recently with my study, can't have enough time to answer questions anymore (glad that RehabMan is on his non-stop support train).

New PBI CE beta is out, backup and test it. Make sure you always have CLOVER USB to boot in case the current EFI folder is unbootable.
Good luck with your studies. I will install the new PBI CE.
I noticed ssdtPRGen was updated to version 14.3, but a new version 14.4 was released two hours ago.
- v14.4    Errors in processor data for the Intel i5-4690 fixed (Pike, November 2014)
Good luck with your studies. I will install the new PBI CE.
I noticed ssdtPRGen was updated to version 14.3, but a new version 14.4 was released two hours ago.
- v14.4    Errors in processor data for the Intel i5-4690 fixed (Pike, November 2014)

It is unlikely you have an i5-4690 in your laptop, so the changes are probably not relevant...