
[Guide] Booting the OS X installer on LAPTOPS with Clover

On what hardware did you create your USB installer?

Laptop I am using under VM. I'm waiting to if date change from the terminal will allow me to install. Going to update when it happens.

Update: nothing, same thing.

My install_osx USB says that only 6.42gb is used. Disk images from Disk utility say this: base system 2.01gb, and install ESD is 6.4gb.
Laptop I am using under VM. I'm waiting to if date change from the terminal will allow me to install. Going to update when it happens.

Update: nothing, same thing.

My install_osx USB says that only 6.42gb is used. Disk images from Disk utility say this: base system 2.01gb, and install ESD is 6.4gb.

Do not use a VM. Create your USB on real hardware.
Is there a way of removing a Patch? I accidentally applied Brightness fix patch instead of Haswell brightness Fix?
Is there a way to change keyboard drivers? I want to remap some keys, but the app is not letting me cause of my keyboard drivers.
What keys do you want to change?

I want some keys I'm used to (based on a Croatian keyboard layout), such as AltGr (laptop keyboard) + B to make {, AltGr + N to make }, and stuff like that...

What app are you referring to?

I tried "Karabiner" app. The developer said some hackintosh drivers are not supported.
I want some keys I'm used to (based on a Croatian keyboard layout), such as AltGr (laptop keyboard) + B to make {, AltGr + N to make }, and stuff like that...

You might look at Ukelele.

I tried "Karabiner" app. The developer said some hackintosh drivers are not supported.

Karabiner works but can be a bit complex to use (you need to understand how to code private.xml).

Also you can fully customize the keyboard if you're using my driver (refer to the u430 repo and SSDT-HACK.dsl for an example). But the driver level customization is focused on physical keys, not key combinations. The kind of customization you refer to is more of a logical key layout (key combinations) customization instead of the codes each key generates individually (driver level customization).
I installed everything according to the instructions , but the installation will not be displayed at the point post installation . When I boot from the USB stick , then my installation comes in Clover bootloader .
I installed everything according to the instructions , but the installation will not be displayed at the point post installation . When I boot from the USB stick , then my installation comes in Clover bootloader .

No idea what you're trying to say. Be precise about what step you're on and what exactly the problem is.