
WiFi not Working - Please help

I don't have Windows or Linux, but do you think it might be worth it to purchase a usb wifi antenna and see if that fixes my hack? If it didn't work I would return it. Is there one you recommend?

Nope. not a good idea.

Do as @Feartech suggests. A "Live" Linux USB stick is easy to create (An app called Balena Etcher will make this even easier for the inexperienced).

You can even download ChromeOS Flex using the Google Chrome browser extension. That makes a Chrome USB boot stick and, again, you can use it to check wireless connectivity.

These options are cheaper and you can do them straight away.
Nope. not a good idea.

Do as @Feartech suggests. A "Live" Linux USB stick is easy to create (An app called Balena Etcher will make this even easier for the inexperienced).

You can even download ChromeOS Flex using the Google Chrome browser extension. That makes a Chrome USB boot stick and, again, you can use it to check wireless connectivity.

These options are cheaper and you can do them straight away.
For some reason my wifi connected. I didn't do anything, and tried it today randomly, and the wifi connected. Thanks both of you for all your help and I'll see what happens down the line.