
What's Your Favorite Text Editor? (Besides TextEdit)

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I've been using iA Writer for quite a while
Notational Velocity + iA Writer + Dropbox = perfect note taking experience with syncing and reduntant backup.
I know its just a text editor with no fancy features, but thats only what I need and want, since I find myself always tweaking every setting and because iA Writer doesn't have any settings, I can actually get projects and other schoolwork done.

Ps. You have to change Notation settings to save the notes as plain text files and set note directory into a folder inside Dropbox. This makes the workflow between computers seamless.
"kate", the standard text editor of the K Desktop Environment. On OSX its available as a MacPort. Love the block selection mode. And in combination with the terminal emulator "konsole" which can be docked into it, you get a great programming environment.
I have been a Text Wrangler guy for quite a while, and vi lately in a Linux terminal. But with avalanche here about Sublime I guess I will be looking at that carefully.
BBedit 10.x all the way!
Old habits die hard. vi/vim is still my go-to editor, having learnt it 25+ years ago. My fingers know their way around with me thinking about the mechanics. Unfortunately this sometimes mean I sometimes find extra j's and k's appearing when working with other editors, but that's quickly fixed. :lol:

My vi (now vim) config has grown over the years, with lots of customisations, but I've been wondering lately about more language-aware editing tools. I might have a look at some of these, although there's a lot of inertia built into these fingers by now. :)
Have tried emacs multiple times, but always ended up falling back to vi-compatibility and wondering what the point of the exercise was!
Thanks tonymacx86. I have always used TextEdit but, I think I may have converted to TextMate.
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