
The everything works Asus Z390-I Gaming * i7-8700K * SAPPHIRE NITRO+ Radeon RX Vega 64 Build

Hi, Great guide. Sorry if this has already been asked, but there's so many comments on here now!

I have dual booted with windows 10, which on on a separate SSD.

When I boot my computer, clover boot loader comes up as normal and I choose between macOS or windows 10. If I boot into macOS and then turn it off/on again, I am presented with Clover boot loader, as usual, and I can either boot into macOS or windows 10.

However, my problem is, if I ever boot into windows 10, then next time I boot my computer, it boots directly into windows 10 again and bypasses clover boot loader. Any help?

Hi, Great guide. Sorry if this has already been asked, but there's so many comments on here now!

I have dual booted with windows 10, which on on a separate SSD.

When I boot my computer, clover boot loader comes up as normal and I choose between macOS or windows 10. If I boot into macOS and then turn it off/on again, I am presented with Clover boot loader, as usual, and I can either boot into macOS or windows 10.

However, my problem is, if I ever boot into windows 10, then next time I boot my computer, it boots directly into windows 10 again and bypasses clover boot loader. Any help?

I followed this guide a while back to get Catalina installed and it's been great ever since! That is, up until today.... For some reason, I lost iMessages and AirPlay. I followed the Continuity guide again but no luck, so I figured I'd try the repair guide, maybe something got jacked up with my kexts somehow?? I haven't done anything but, who knows..... On reboot, I got the apple logo and the status bar went about 50-60%, and the screen blanked. I gave it a minute or so, activity light was flashing and caps lock light on/off, tapped a couple keys and got some sound from the internal speakers on my monitor so I'm thinking the display is just not showing up for some reason... Luckily I've messed this up a few thousand times so I had a backup of my working EFI and a working Mojave drive. I'm back on Catalina, but no iMessages or AirPlay. Any suggestions to get those working?
Anyone have any ideas? I followed the iDiots Guide to iMessages and a few different serials and UUIDs but nothing.... I get the "contact apple" and "iMessages cannot be used on this Mac".
OK jumper rest BIOS, set it back up per your guide, and still, no NVRAM file appears and shutdown/restart from finder do not work.

I did F11 at the clover screen to reset NVRAM, nothing changed. How is this possible?

So a couple of ideas:

I had filed clover updates where I realized I was telling it to install on the system volume not EFI. I removed the EFI folder from the volume, but are there other things I need to yank from these aborted installs?

NVRAM is there because I can see values; not sure exactly how this works, but the values are coming from somewhere. Where else might they be?

I have a Vega 64 from Asus, could that thing be doing something odd here? Been on the hunt for any details but all the info is old. Seem in Catalina things are pretty ok with this card.

The only change I made to your config is to add the book flag to allow Netflix to work, but the shutdown/restart issue was there before.

Of note: sleep works fine. My 97 series old as dirt hacky shuts down, but resists sleep as all costs... so not used to it being the other way :)

I figured it out...somehow kiosk mode was enabled. No clue how or why...removed it and back in business!
I upgraded from macOS Catalina 10.15.2 to 10.15.4.
When updating, I selected the option “Boot macOS Install from Macintosh HD - Data”, after which the installation process for the update began. It took about 10-15 minutes, but in the end I got the error "macOS Could not be installed on your computer".


When I then turned on macOS through Clover, it turned on and the system was successfully updated. However, I got an additional section called “Boot macOS Install from Macintosh HD - Data”. How can it be removed and why did it appear?


I solved this problem.

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Now I am experiencing three problems.

1. The Sidecar function does not work for me. Shows a black screen on the iPad Pro.

2. After shutting down and rebooting, I often get a CMOS reset error on the motherboard (this is a common problem on macOS 10.15.4).

3. Sometimes my computer leaves sleep mode for 1-2 minutes, and then falls asleep (sometimes it does not fall asleep). I believe that the problem is in the 5700 XT graphics card, but I don’t know how to solve it.
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That is EXTREMELY odd because I do that all the time and never have that issue. Anyone else have any ideas?
Now I am experiencing three problems.

1. The Sidecar function does not work for me. Shows a black screen on the iPad Pro.

2. After shutting down and rebooting, I often get a CMOS reset error on the motherboard (this is a common problem on macOS 10.15.4).

3. Sometimes my computer leaves sleep mode for 1-2 minutes, and then falls asleep (sometimes it does not fall asleep). I believe that the problem is in the 5700 XT graphics card, but I don’t know how to solve it.

  1. Haven't tried sidecar but will tomorrow.
  2. Ever since I went to latest BIOS I am have the boot error, but only rarely. It does not affect functionality although I would love to resolve it.
  3. Not sure what to say, Running a Vega 64 and all good so far. Anything plugged in to USB when trying to sleep, like a device that is charging or requires power?
And now...don't know what changed (I didn't change anything) and shutdown/restart do not work in finder. They work from terminal sudo shutdown -h now for example works.

I am using the exact EFI and BIOS settings listing in post one for the Vega 64. The only difference is my GPU is a ASUS Radeon RX Vega64. In the process of gathering any deltas in logs and other important files from before and after.

Because this worked when I posted the first reply. I am sure it is something small and silly that I am not seeing.

Just a thought, do you have any devices plugged into USB that requires power or is keeping computer awake?
i tried to install Catalina today, because after last night my FCPX and Motion cannot launch.
and now when tried install Catalina, this happens :
View attachment 457199

but when i restart this option show up:
View attachment 457218
so i click the one on the right, this happend :
View attachment 457219
it looks like reguler hackintosh installation, except in the end this happend :
View attachment 457220

so i restart again, this is still boot on the USB installer btw and then this menu show up :
View attachment 457221
im never seen this ever when hackintosh-ing. and if i click that, this screen appears :

View attachment 457224
so i restart again and choose this one :
View attachment 457226
and somehow the installation continue :
View attachment 457227

this is not normal right? i clearly doing something wrong?
i will update again when i can boot to catalina desktop

update 1 :
with all the wierd thing above, i can boot to catalina desktop. BUT :
View attachment 457234
1. HDMI/displayport audio still suddenly mute after around 2 minutes of playback
2. FCPX still cannot open/crash.

update 2:
1. i reset the CMOS and reconfigure BIOS again just in case.
2. Try the USB installer at every usb port at z390-i strix mobo (including usb2)
3. still stuck at " an Error occured while preparing the installation. Try running this application again.

how to do now? im so confused with this build. anyone can help me?
thx before everyone

I got a Vega 64 a week ago and while puttering around with Hackintool I noticed that I have a new audio controller. I think we will need to do a bunch of patching, good news is that it should fix your audio issues.

Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 2.38.45 AM.png
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