
HP ProBook Installer 6.1: 4x30s and 4x40s support

i used probook installer 6.1.13r3 but after i see on desktop "DSDT Warning" and 2 files mini ssdt dual link, mini ssdt imei. why?
my laptop is 4540s core i5 3210m ivy. i ticked correct
i used probook installer 6.1.13r3 but after i see on desktop "DSDT Warning" and 2 files mini ssdt dual link, mini ssdt imei. why?
my laptop is 4540s core i5 3210m ivy. i ticked correct

Read the warning.txt file and you'll know.
Read the warning.txt file and you'll know.

I do not understand? i tick
Screen Shot 2014-03-04 at 11.40.22 PM.jpg
andnow I do not adjust the screen brightness
I do not understand? i tick
View attachment 85730
andnow I do not adjust the screen brightness

I see you still have not read the "DSDT Warning.txt"

DSDT Warning.txt said:
"If you see this warning message, that means you're trying to do any of the following:

1. You're trying to patch already patched DSDT with the main model-specific patch.
2. You're trying to patch your vanilla DSDT, but you haven't selected the main model-specific patch.

Please, run the ProBook Installer again and select correct DSDT options.

If you want to make yourself a new patched DSDT, you should do the following:

1. Remove your current DSDT.aml.
2. Only for 4x40s models with Sandy Bridge CPU installed: copy Mini-SSDT-IMEI.aml from your desktop to /Extra and name it ssdt-1.aml, if you already have existing ssdt.aml or ssdt.aml, if you don't have such.
3. Reboot your laptop.
4. Run the ProBook Installer and select your DSDT options again.

Note: for those of you with ProBook 47x0s (1600x900) or with ProBook 45x0s with 1080p screen mod, you won't be able to boot your system without DSDT.aml!
Instead, you should do the following:

1. Remove your current DSDT.aml.
2.1 If you already have an /Extra/SSDT.aml installed (eg. you already ran the Probook Installer previously), copy Mini-SSDT-DualLink.aml from your desktop to /Extra/ssdt-1.aml.
2.2 If you don't have an /Extra/SSDT.aml installed (eg. fresh install or ??? or you're doing this with Unibeast installer), copy Mini-SSDT-DualLink.aml from your desktop to /Extra/ssdt.aml.
3. Only for 4x40s models with Sandy Bridge CPU installed: copy Mini-SSDT-IMEI.aml from your desktop to /Extra and name it ssdt-2.aml, if you have followed step 2.1 and ssdt-1.aml, if you have followed step 2.2.
4. Reboot your laptop.
5. Run the ProBook Installer and select your DSDT options again.

There are also instructions for re-patching DSDT in the main guide: Look for "BIOS updates/hardware upgrades"
What about pinch-to-zoom? Are there any plans to add this gesture for ProBook touchpads?:?:

Nothing to do with sadness, really. The hardware is very poor and multitouch would require much research as it is not documented, not to mention a complete rewrite or the driver.

The source code is available. You're more than welcome to make a go at it.