
Guide To Install Yosemite on HP Laptops with Clover UEFI


1. When I connect HDMI cable to my laptop, the system hanged - nothing worked. When I pull it out, nothing responded until I force restarted it. If I boot into either Windows 7 or Windows 8, it worked fine. How can I fix this in Yosemine?

2. Photo Booth (v. 7) is not working as expected. It doesn't display any image until after shot. How can I fix this?

3. How can I sync my clock on these three: OS X 10.10/Win7/Win8? I was able to use registry editor in Windows 8 (when I was dual booting) to sync the clocks. Tried it recently, but both Windows seem to agree with the same time but OS X is lagging behind with 1hr.

Thanks for your help.
Rehabman: You could think that, yes. But it seems that it is more a dedicated to the serial port. If you disable the serial port in BIOS, then it is no problem to boot but bluetooth stops working. Vice versa if you disable bluetooth and leave serial port on, bluetooth also stops working but you cannot boot while docked, as the same kernel panic appears. This is why I think it is not a bluetooth but a serial port problem.

I have no idea why bluetooth and the serial port are dedicated that way. Do you have an idea?

BTW: After the boot you can connect the docking station without any issue. Also this problem does NOT appears for an EliteBook 2x70p/2x60p. I cannot verify it for ProBook 6x60b/6x70b. But with ProBook 640 G1 this problems appears.

Computers still have serial ports? :)
I don't know why I've not gotten any reply on my questions on this thread.

Hope this will be answered:

Please Rehabman, how can I boot directly into either Win8 or Win7 from Clover boot menu? Currently, only One selection appears on clover boot screen which takes me to where to choose from win7 or win8. I read this from your post but I'm using Clover not Chimera.

Can this be fixed in Clover?

Thanks for your time.
I don't know why I've not gotten any reply on my questions on this thread.

Hope this will be answered:

Please Rehabman, how can I boot directly into either Win8 or Win7 from Clover boot menu? Currently, only One selection appears on clover boot screen which takes me to where to choose from win7 or win8. I read this from your post but I'm using Clover not Chimera.

Can this be fixed in Clover?

Thanks for your time.

Just follow Section F in Rehabman's guide ( That should do it.
I don't know why I've not gotten any reply on my questions on this thread.

Hope this will be answered:

Please Rehabman, how can I boot directly into either Win8 or Win7 from Clover boot menu? Currently, only One selection appears on clover boot screen which takes me to where to choose from win7 or win8. I read this from your post but I'm using Clover not Chimera.

Can this be fixed in Clover?

Thanks for your time.

Nothing needs to be "fixed" in Clover.

I have this working on my machine... In order to make it work, you need two "EFI" partitions. I put "EFI" in quotes because the first one is the normal EFI partition and the second one is just a FAT32 partition with an EFI directory on it. The first one has /EFI/Microsoft for Win8. The second one has /EFI/Microsoft for Win7. They each have their own /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi (or bootmgfw-orig.efi) and their own separate /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/BCD. The separate BCDs have only info for the associated version of Windows (eg. Win7 Win8). Clover will see both EFI/Microsoft/bootmgfw.efi on the separate partitions and be able to boot them directly.

If you understand how to copy files and manipulate BCD (with BCDEDIT), setting it up is easy...

If you're not sure on that, you can use this general procedure:
(note: I didn't do it this way...)
- remove existing /EFI/Microsoft directory on EFI partition
- install Win8 (following the normal guide in post #1)
- make a new (small) FAT32 partition (do this in Windows)
- *move* the /EFI/Microsoft files created by installing Win8 to the new partition
- now you have no /EFI/Microsoft at the real EFI partition
- install Win7

Now you can boot both directly via Clover.
Not so much. That blog post is for legacy boot only. UEFI is a whole new ballgame.

Ah ok... Thought BCD is being used for UEFI also...
Ah ok... Thought BCD is being used for UEFI also...

Yes, Windows still uses BCD in UEFI. But no boot records... just EFI files/directories...
Yes, Windows still uses BCD in UEFI. But no boot records... just EFI files/directories...


BTW: Do you have any idea regarding the serial port / bluetooth docking issue?