Recent content by SteinVS

  1. SteinVS

    Boot options

    You just want to be able to see all files. Try in the terminal: cd / ls -la Is the Extra folder there?
  2. SteinVS

    Boot options

    Did it somehow become invisible? Can you see it if you toggle the "show system files" in the view menu?
  3. SteinVS

    SSD not running at full speed
  4. SteinVS

    what am I missing here? Please help

    Can you use UniBeast to boot? Is your key board wired?
  5. SteinVS

    what am I missing here? Please help

    Your DSDT and bios versions don't match. You need to have a DSDT for your bios.
  6. SteinVS

    if i won the lottery...

    When you say SATA 3 I'm assuming you mean the 6Gb/s revision. If that's correct then no... the X58 chipset doesn't support SATA 3.
  7. SteinVS

    if i won the lottery...

    Except for the AMD components... Board and cpu aren't even compatible here.
  8. SteinVS


    In MultiBeast, check both ALC8xxHDA AND AppleHDA Rollback kexts. Restart.
  9. SteinVS


    Have you enabled on-board Ethernet with the kexts included in MultiBeast?
  10. SteinVS


    Use the DSDT for the bios version that you currently have on your board. Your board will report which version you have at post as well as in the bios configuration screens
  11. SteinVS

    Changing Chimera boot loader theme

    You'll have to adjust some of the XY coordinates in the theme.plist, since screen rosultions are not all the same. I'm using a Samsung P2370 1080i screen. Problem is it has overscan that can't be resolved that early in the boot sequence... :thumbdown: So, I needed to use the monitor ID in...
  12. SteinVS

    Changing Chimera boot loader theme

    Go here... There are a lot of instructions and direct download of themes. You don't need to delete the Themes folder. The structure looks like Extra/Themes/Default/"all the required files". Chimera will only automatically load "Default"...
  13. SteinVS

    CPU temps again!

    What are you monitoring temps with? It sounds like a monitoring issue rather than a system issue since temps are normal in win7. Have you installed FakeSMC mother board plugins?
  14. SteinVS

    iStat and USB 3.0

    You need to install the FakeSMC Motherboard plugins. I have installed the USB 3.0 on my ga-x58a-ud3r (which has NEC USB 3.0 chip) it does function... however the kext broke sleep :? . Sleep is more important to me than a port I don't have any accessories for, so for now it's uninstalled.
  15. SteinVS

    Are my SSD speeds correct?

    It is the difference between the way HD's and SSD's write data. Most read/write benchmarks, like Blackmagic do not bench SSD's well. Try a realtime time test...