Recent content by Roei-Meiri

  1. Roei-Meiri

    NVIDIA 'Pascal' Graphics Drivers Released: Buyer's Guide Updated!

    So you mean, that I can buy almost any pascal card and it should be work just fine? Interesting...
  2. Roei-Meiri

    NVIDIA 'Pascal' Graphics Drivers Released: Buyer's Guide Updated!

    Why are asus, corsair and msi not listed? I mean, are they more problematic, or that they are not supported at all, or that you don't prefer those as EVGA and Gigabyte cards
  3. Roei-Meiri

    NVIDIA Announces 'Pascal' Graphics Drivers Coming to MacOS

  4. Roei-Meiri

    Apple's WWDC June 5-9, 2017

    gtx 1080 please!!! (and pascal support at all would be amazing!!)
  5. Roei-Meiri

    NVIDIA Releases Alternate Graphics Drivers for macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (367.15.10.35)

    I lost my hope to get this 1070 support. Apple is a company, that lives too much in the past
  6. Roei-Meiri

    What's up with this Geforce NOW?

    Ok I'm confused. From what I could understand, nvidia decided that they will.. use there own gtx card and let you play through a cloud server or something..? I mean, it's wierd. If they managed to make it work with macOs, why don't they just give us a support for the GTX 1000 series? And if...
  7. Roei-Meiri

    Should I make my own pascal support?

    Thanks guys ... I think I just buy the GTX 980 and wait until I have real money and support, and then buy a GTX 1070 or something ... (If it will be possible in the coming years ...)
  8. Roei-Meiri

    Should I make my own pascal support?

    OK, I had enough from all of this "not supported, not supported blah blah blah" thing. Is that possible that if I will try very - very hard, I would somehow make my own pascal support? I mean, if microsoft invented their own "Basic Graphic adapter", It should be possible to do that by my own...
  9. Roei-Meiri

    macOS 10.12.2 Update

    I feels like I should buy GTX 980 and just giving up waiting... I just can't... There no sign of getting this support soon. But I know that the day I'll give up and buy the card, nvidia/apple will add a support to the gtx 1070/1080... ..or maybe would it be the GTX 2070/2080 as it looks right...
  10. Roei-Meiri

    Apple Updates Mac Lineup

    Ohh man! You made my day!! Or indeed the entire Year! Hear a positive sign in this direction, it is something I dream about for months! And apparently, not just me. Thanks!!!!!
  11. Roei-Meiri

    Apple Updates Mac Lineup

    Sounds like someone really likes what apple did to their new MacBook Pro..... Just like me! At least logic pro x is functional... But you know what? I don't care. Just give me that stupid gtx 1070/1080 support already and I'll be happy.
  12. Roei-Meiri

    macOS Sierra is Now Available on the Mac App Store

    AND ----- The obvious question - IS THERE ANY 10'S GTX SERIES SUPPORT?