
Vega 64 - High Fans - VGTab Assistance

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Okay thanks anyway for your help!
Update: For anyone else experiencing issues as per the post.

I've installed a PowerPlay table into my AMD10000Controller.kext which has worked for me. I'm not sure if I've installed the correct native GPU settings and if anyone else has a Sapphire RX Vega 64 and knows how to do this I would love to replace it so I know I've got the right settings in there but for now its working!
What are the correct settings in VGTab for a reference Vega 64? I have an ASRock Vega 64.

I could never get VGTab to work so I installed a soft power table (Numbers from another forum) in 10000AMDController.Kext. Still haven't worked out how to edit that and what the best settings are for a reference card. What love to know though, if anyone knows how.
Hello @ICULikeMac, I had the same problem: the VegaTab_64.kext was not working when placed in the EFI kext folder. Cutting straight to the chase in case what works for me might work for you...

1) I removed any previous GPU fan mods

2) Using @pastrychef's configuration suggestions in his post #2 of this thread, I generated a VegaTab_64.kext file (attached) and installed it with Kext Beast app.

3) In Terminal, I ran the following to rebuild kext cache:
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /

4) Restarted

5) Confirmed working after terminal command:
ioreg -l |grep \"PerformanceStatistics\" | cut -d '{' -f 2 | tr '|' ',' | tr -d '}' | tr ',' '\n'|grep 'Temp\|Fan'

(it returned)
"Fan Speed(%)"=20
"Fan Speed(RPM)"=1008
"Fan Speed(%)"=20
"Fan Speed(RPM)"=998
Hope it works for you. Sorry in advance if it is not advisable to install directly into S/L/E. This is the only way I can get it to work at the moment.


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Scratch the above post (except for the attached kext)

The Vega_64.kext as well as other kexts started loading from EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other after I set Clover Configurator / System Parameters / Inject Kexts = "Yes". It seems like there is a bug with the most recent Clover where it doesn't auto detect whether to inject kexts. It only injects if you select "Yes". I was tipped off to this here.

If you followed my directions in the previous post, copy VegaTab_64.kext from /System/Library/Extensions/ into EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other, and delete the original (in Sys/Lib/Ext). Then run sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u / and restart.

If following @pastrychef's directions in this thread, as a final step you might have to go into Clover Configurator / System Parameters and set Inject Kexts to "Yes", restart.
@blouse Tried this with a Asus Vega 56, but did not work. I tried now to update clover to the latest Beta and had success. No other changes at all. There might be a bug in clover with Inject Kext also when set to „yes“
Flashed my 56 to a 64, chose '64' option, inserted Kext and rebooted. Works a charm. Gigabyte ref GPU.
Flashed my 56 to a 64, chose '64' option, inserted Kext and rebooted. Works a charm. Gigabyte ref GPU.
Is your Gigabyte Vega 56 single bios or dual bios? Mine is RX VEGA 56 GAMING OC 8G, not sure if I could flash it.
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