
OpenCore csr-active-config (SIP) bitmask not working correctly

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Mar 8, 2017
Dell XPS 9700 4K (OpenCore)
UHD 630, 3840x2400
Mobile Phone
  1. Android
Hey guys!

// Edit:
BTW, I should tell you what I want to do: I want to install VoltageShift, which tells me the following:
This program supports macOS 10.12 or above, however you need to switch off the SIP for unsigned kext.

I don't want to fully compromise SIP with 0x67

I wanted to understand how the NVRAM csr-active-config value works, so I looked into the OC documentation. That document just redirected me to csr.h. I read the code and made a little "helper" script that makes selecting values easier for me, since I'm not that good at binary and hex. The following is what I came up with:

// All possible flags, mapped to their mask value
const flags = new Map();
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS", 1 << 0 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS", 1 << 1 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID", 1 << 2 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER", 1 << 3 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL", 1 << 4 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE", 1 << 5 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM", 1 << 6 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS", 1 << 8 )
flags.set( "CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS", 1 << 9 )

// Find the longest flag name, to padd all with trailing spaces accordingly,
// since the tabs will look crooked otherwise (on my machine at least)
let longest = 0;
for ( const flag of flags ) {
  if( flag[ 0 ].length > longest )
    longest = flag[ 0 ].length;

// Either process node's first command line arg or fall back to hardcoded value
const CSR_ACTIVE_STATUS = process !== undefined && process.argv[ 2 ] !== undefined ? parseInt( process.argv[ 2 ] ) : 0;
console.log( "csr-active-config: " + getPaddedBase( CSR_ACTIVE_STATUS, 10, 2 ) + " (" + CSR_ACTIVE_STATUS + ")\n" );

// Loop all flags for displaying
for ( const flag of flags ) {
  let f = padTrailingSpaces( flag[ 0 ], longest );

  // Print: flag binValue decValue state
     f + "\t" +
     getPaddedBase( flag[ 1 ], 10, 2 ) + "\t" +
     flag[ 1 ] + "\t" +
     getStatus( flag[ 1 ], CSR_ACTIVE_STATUS )

// Swap endian style (little to big) for config data value
console.log( "\nBigEndian value (for config): " + swapEndians( CSR_ACTIVE_STATUS ) );

// Swaps endians, this is symmetrical, swapping twice will be the original
function swapEndians( input ) {
  const num = getPaddedBase( input, 8, 16 );
  let buf = "";

  for( let i = num.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2 )
    buf += num[ i - 1 ] + num[ i ];

  return buf;

// Check whether or not the flag is active, X is active, O is off
function getStatus( flag, input ) {
  return ( flag & input ) == flag ? "X" : "O";

// Pad a string with trailing spaces to meet length requirement
function padTrailingSpaces( input, totalLength ) {
  while( input.length < totalLength )
    input = input + " ";

  return input;

// Get the binary representation of a decimal number with leading zeros
function getPaddedBase( input, totalLen, base ) {
  let outp = input.toString( base );

  while( outp.length < totalLen )
    outp = "0" + outp;

  return outp.toUpperCase();

It gets called like this:
node csrutil.js <input-number in decimal>

Where the input-number is the sum of all bitmask values that should be on. AFAIK, for unsigned kexts, I need UNTRUSTED_KEXTS and UNAPPROVED_KEXTS, which would result in 513 or 0x01020000 in big endian. When entering this to my OC config, the outcome is not what I want.

tool output:
Screenshot 2020-05-11 at 00.36.31.png

csrutil status output:
Screenshot 2020-05-11 at 00.36.38.png

Why is Apple Internal disabled? But Kext Signing is too, so that's a start. Before this, I used 0x67000000, which was supposed to be off. This would result in the following flags, if my tool's logic is correct:

Screenshot 2020-05-11 at 00.38.45.png

So it even seems like I don't need UNAPPROVED_KEXTS, would be cool to know what that's actually for tho.

Every help is appreciated! I'm trying to learn here, I don't just want to copy csr-active-config values from any sources.
VoltageShift is now loading with 01000000 as csr-active-config value. That means, ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS. Still would like to know, why 01020000 yielded apple internal disabled tho...

Any ideas? Maybe there are some people that have investigated this deeper already.


Oh, this also disables apple internal... Maybe that's just always the case, if kext flags get activated. Maybe the tool does it's job the right way, who knows...
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