
Moving OS to new disk

Thank you. I copied all content in the working EFI folder to the EFI folder on my new disk (system disk has already been cloned). Chose the new disk as startup disk i n system preferences, but still not working. It stops at the clover startup page and I have to manually choose system disk as the startup disk. The new disk does not show up as an alternative


When an APFS volume does not show up it can be caused by a few things ...

Sadly I do not know which applies in your case, but I'll list a few:

1) Have you upgraded the bootloader? Old Clover might not play well with NVME SSDs.

2) Are you using the same system-definition?

3) Some brands of NVME SSD cause issues. Which model did you get?

4) You might need the NVME SSD kext.

There is a good Guide on our site for you here:
