
Installed, but booting to a black screen

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Okay, try this if you can. If you're connecting by HDMI, move the cable to the other port in the back panel of your motherboard and boot up. It might not make a difference, but it might (don't ask me how I know that).

If that doesn't work, back to other possibilities.

Make sure that when you "ran" Multibeast, you made your settings and then selected "Build". You have to select the disk to build onto (your SSD, obviously), and after that installation, it will tell you if it has succeeded. If it has, you can reboot.

If you're still not getting to a Mac OS screen after the reboot, I think you're probably booting from the USB stick, or you have an incorrect setting in Multibeast. You need to get back to Multibeast (somehow) and make the settings I suggested a few posts ago: specifically I think it was Intel HD 6xx in the Graphics section AND Intel Graphics Fixup. Once those are successfully built to your SSD, you could reboot, go to the BIOS, and check that you have set your SSD as the priority boot disk. Then make sure your USB stick is disconnected, save BIOS settings and reboot, and if things are working correctly you'll boot into Mac OS on your SSD. If you can get that far, you can probably get multiple stable reboots to your SSD without any further issue.

And if not, I'm afraid I've run out of suggestions other than tinkering with Multibeast some more, and if that fails, going back to the beginning, wiping everything, and starting again....
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