
Help upgrading from GTX560 to GTX960 on 10.10.2 or 10.10.4

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So I think I am in a state that is booting on a reliable basis. Jithin, I think you are right, it looks like it might have been related to the MacPro3,1 system definition because since I have changed it to iMac14,2 I haven't had any problems booting. The strange thing was when I first came home and booted with "dart=0 -f -v" it worked, but I tried again and it didn't work.

My graphics still show as unknown in about my Man, but I am not too worried about that right now.

One piece of into to pass along: I set Graphics Enabler to No and upon reboot the video resolution was way lower than my default 1080 and virtually unusable. I check the Nvidia device manager in System Preferences and it was showing "OS X Default Graphics Driver". I set it back to Nvidia and rebooted and proper resolution was restored.

I still don't think overall the system is optimized as well as some of you guys seem to get yours, so I'll have to work on that some more.

P1lgrim, at this point I am scared to upgrade the BOS, but thank you for pointing out that fact that there is a new one. Perhaps I'll give it a try soon enough, but I don't want to screw up what I have.

But thank you all again for you help. Hopefully this thread can be useful to someone else.
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