
[Guide] Airport - PCIe Half Mini v2

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For those concluding their system is useless without Handoff, current fix is revert to 10.12.

Hey toleda!

I wasn't insinuating that the system is useless, just that it is a handy feature. If switching down to 10.12 fixes it for the time being, then awesome! :)
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I just want Apple Watch unlock to work, its a feature I would like to take advantage of and handoff makes it work. If its broken and you guys are aware of it then I don't understand why you wouldn't try to fix it. is anyone going to try to address it or is it going to stay broken forever?
Im not trying to be a jerk I'm just wondering if there is any plan for it.
currently using BCM94360CD + adapter on my PCIX1 slot.
can I verify that all that I need is= FakePCIID.kext + FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext(use kextbeast?)
currently using BCM94360CD + adapter on my PCIX1 slot.
can I verify that all that I need is= FakePCIID.kext + FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext(use kextbeast?)
4360 is native, no kexts required for WiFi.
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