
[Fix] 10.11.4 broken audio with AppleHDA injector (dummyHDA)

sh-3.2# pwd/Volumes/EFI
sh-3.2# ls
.Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ._.Trashes .fseventsdsh-

3.2# pwd/Volumes/OSX/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched
sh-3.2# ls
sh-3.2# ls -lat
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2
root wheel 68 Oct 26 14:50 .drwxr-xr-x 5
root wheel 170 Oct 26 14:50

..I must be stupid..

/Volumes/OSX is wrong. See FAQ for mounting your EFI partition. If you created it via Disk Utility, it will be at /Volumes/EFI. Thus, /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched is where your patched ACPI files are.
Have you seen my zip file from my probook 450g0?

No idea. Provide link -- describe problem clearly. I'm not going to go searching for it.
/Volumes/OSX is wrong. See FAQ for mounting your EFI partition. If you created it via Disk Utility, it will be at /Volumes/EFI. Thus, /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched is where your patched ACPI files are.

Yes, I know..
You did not see the second paragraph:

sh-3.2# pwd
sh-3.2# ls
.Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ._.Trashes .fseventsd
Yes, I know..
You did not see the second paragraph:

sh-3.2# pwd
sh-3.2# ls
.Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ._.Trashes .fseventsd

It appears you're looking at the trash. Probably because you moved some files from the EFI partition to trash, and since have unmounted EFI or rebooted.

Assuming your setup is single disk partitioned with Disk Utility:
diskutil mount EFI

Should display:
Volume EFI on EFI mounted

Then, to open in Finder:
open /Volumes/EFI
I have not deleted anything... I just mounted the directory "EFI" and executed "ls", as you can see, there's nothing inside.

I give up. Thank you.
I have not deleted anything... I just mounted the directory "EFI" and executed "ls", as you can see, there's nothing inside.

I give up. Thank you.

What you say is nonsense.

The /Volumes/EFI directory may exist, but not be attached to a mount point. In the case of leaving files from the EFI partition in trash (failure to empty the trash while EFI was mounted), unmounting EFI (or rebooting), then looking at /Volumes... that is exactly what one should expect.

If there was nothing on your EFI partition, you would not be able to boot into Clover.
sh-3.2# diskutil mount EFI
Volume EFI on EFI mounted
sh-3.2# cd /Volumes/EFI/
sh-3.2# ls
.Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ._.Trashes .fseventsd

Believe me now? Thanks.
I've restarted..