
Aluminium used for G5/Mac Pro?

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Unless you've got access to a laser/plasma cutter, anodising bath and beadblasting machine with the correct bead stock, you might as well not bother as there's nothing cheesier than mismatching aluminium surface finishes.

Then again, nobody's even vaguely tried to match the Apple surface treatment before, so you could be the first to get it right. Place your bets now!
ectoplasmosis said:
.... as there's nothing cheesier than mismatching aluminium surface finishes.

Now THAT sounds like a challenge. I bet we could find things much cheesier given 5 minutes on google.

Getting back to the topic some things are certain: (1) Apple never uses stuff off the shelf or that is easy to find in the wild and (2) the kind of geeks we are around here will spot the difference 100 metres (or yards if you prefer) away. But yes, I reckon if you find a reasonable match and do something that disguises (or makes a feature of) the way the types join together it won't look like a factory job, but can still look excellent.

Personally I don't want someone to look at what I have done and think it is "just" a Mac. That'd be a little boring (for me), whereas for others that may be the ultimate compliment.

It's always a choice though - match (as near as possible);Or do something in keeping with what we think SJ might have done if he wasn't a billionaire with the worlds resources at his fingertips; Or contrast (and say "it's my mod not an Apple product"); Or go for the outrageous.

I love this forum because we see all of these. In fact, some of my mods have started out with "what would Steve do?" and then ended up with blue LEDs everywhere (see my avatar for instance!).

If nothing else, we are a broad church.
ectoplasmosis said:
Unless you've got access to a laser/plasma cutter, anodising bath and beadblasting machine with the correct bead stock, you might as well not bother as there's nothing cheesier than mismatching aluminium surface finishes.

Then again, nobody's even vaguely tried to match the Apple surface treatment before, so you could be the first to get it right. Place your bets now!
Would look better than the cheesy lian li/mountain mods backs that I've seen being used all the time. ;)
ectoplasmosis said:
Jerime said:
Would look better than the cheesy lian li/mountain mods backs that I've seen being used all the time. ;)

Agreed. Why not leave the back intact and do something similar to this bloke: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=11725

Wouldn't take much more effort than butchering the case with materials that kind-of-sort-of look similar.
Can't believe after all my looking at threads, I didn't see that one. o_O
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