
What Should We Do with

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You can utilize the movement of the eyes, by placing objects in such a way that the eyes follow
Something like this. Notice the HAND, assume it's the cursor.

(can't embed, it distorts the animation)

SO the idea is, placement of links should be in such a way as to maximize the use of the eyes.
That's my suggestion ;)

And P.S. Just a heads up, on the unibeast page, the link still works by clicking the USB, but the cursor doesn't change to a HAND when you hover over it, so a visitor might not be able to figure out that it's a link.


    125.4 KB · Views: 151
adam is a legend.
lol @ how clicking trash goes to the bb playbook site :lol:
cute site :lol: the eyes is rolling :rolleyes: perfectly.. hmm perhaps include launchpad on website? :mrgreen:
adamsmasher said:
I heard that adamsmasher guy is a real jackass! :D

You know that guy? He's awesome BTW :lol:

How about adding a menu bar on top, and putting the time on it (a script that matches the time of the visitor's country, probably by using the visitor's IP address :thumbup: )
And of course, the Lion wallpaper. But I have a question. Why is there NOTHING on the page that redirects to the UniBeast guide?
Is it possible to have a blog mirror or sth like that?

The people who live in mainland of China are blocked by the GFW, can't access the blogspot, some kind of "sorry" for this inconvenient.
I found that on another site a few months back; impenetrable bit of code. :banghead:
Rewrote it to use a user-friendly annotated config file (and provide some error checking); changing the eyes/face/cursor/link/page title only takes minutes now.
This is the config file that'll duplicate the page, all I needed to do was check the position and size of the pen drive's eye holes :thumbup:
// jseyes3_5T settings file.
// ===========================================================================================================================
// jsbkgimg is the static background image (any supported format). The eyes on the background need to be transparent if you
// use the eyes_to_back option. jseyeimg is moving eye image (used for all eyes). This
// needs tohave a transparent background (so .gif or .png) and for best results no white space/border around the pupil.
var jsbkgimg="images/unibeast.png",            jseyeimg= "images/eye.png";

// These define the start x,y co-ordinates for jseyeimg in the center of all eyes in jsbkgimg measured from (0,0).
// Set unused values to 0. The eye h & w are the height and width of each eye on the background in pixels.
var start_x= [], start_y= [], eye_w= [], eye_h= [];
start_x[0]=  88.5, start_y[0]= 267, eye_w[0]= 38, eye_h[0]= 38,        start_x[4]= 0, start_y[4]= 0, eye_w[4]= 0, eye_h[4]= 0;
start_x[1]= 132.5, start_y[1]= 267, eye_w[1]= 38, eye_h[1]= 38,        start_x[5]= 0, start_y[5]= 0, eye_w[5]= 0, eye_h[5]= 0;
start_x[2]=     0, start_y[2]=   0, eye_w[2]=  0, eye_h[2]=  0,        start_x[6]= 0, start_y[6]= 0, eye_w[6]= 0, eye_h[6]= 0;
start_x[3]=     0, start_y[3]=   0, eye_w[3]=  0, eye_h[3]=  0,        start_x[7]= 0, start_y[7]= 0, eye_w[7]= 0, eye_h[7]= 0;

// The (optional) alternative cursor image the eyes will be following. Cursor_x & y are the focus point. Set to -1 to auto center.
// Images less than 50x50 work best. Setting cursorimg to "" will use the default crosshair cursor.
var cursorimg= "images/applecursor.png",    cursor_x= 49, cursor_y= 0;

// The (optional) URL clicking on the moving eye image takes you to.
// Leave set to "" if you don't want to use it; clicking will then just reload the jseyes page.
// Specify an onHover link title to tell users the eyeball is also a link (Go to [sitename]).
// Leave set to "" if you don't want to use it, or if not using jseyelink.
var jseyelink= "", jseyelinktitle= "Download UniBeast";

// Set the number of eyes you want displayed. i.e: 2 for a person, 4 for a couple, 8 for a closet monster.
// Values > 8 do nothing. Values < 1 will be set to 1. 6 are used for the demo.
// eyes_to_back, if set to "y", will move the eye image behind the background image if it has transparent "eye holes".
// The eye w & h values will be increased by 15% to allow the eye to move behind the borders.
// The (optional) page title sets the title on the browser tab, and within the page.
var jseyetotal= 2,    eyes_to_back= "n",    bg_color= "",    js_page_title= "";

// ===========================================================================================================================
The cursor mod's just there because you can, now.

/* jseyes3_5T.js

The classic Xeyes in JavaScript
Written by Pintér Gábor
Feuerwehrgasse 1/2/9
Purbach am Neusiedlersee
A-7083, Austria
Tel: +43 681 20821067, +36 20 4331532
Email: [email protected]

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    V1.0  2001-10-14  Original release.

    V1.1  2001-12-08  NS6.1
    V1.2  2001-12-17  More parameters
    V1.3  2002-08-14  Adjustable speed
    V1.31 2002-08-26  Improved adjustable speed
    V1.4  2010-11-26  IE7, IE8, absolute position
    V2.0  2014-03-13  Object oriented, IE9+

Based on V1.0: Portions added/modified by Tori T, Gmail is tori(dot)t(dot)uk
    v2.0T  05 May 2019: Edited to allow easy replacement of background and eye images.
    v2.1T  08 May 2019: Added JS controlled CSS to allow cursor to be changed to an appropriate bitmap for the eyes to follow.
    v3.0T  12 May 2019: Edited to allow user selection of up 1-4 eyes (1-2 people/animals).
    v3.1T  13 May 2019: Now supports 1-8 eyes (Up to 4 people/animals or 1 Eldritch Horror).
    v3.2T  03 Jun 2019: Calculates the pupil movement constraint parameters from the eye width, height, and pupil size values.
    v3.3T  15 Jun 2019: Auto image size aquisition. Code optimisation.
    v3.4T  21 Jun 2019: Checks/reports on missing images. Transparent eye support added.
    v3.5T  27 Jun 2019: Moved settings.js to separate file(s). Transparent eye background color support added.
1. Include these files in the <head> tag of your web page.
    Insert the following:
    <script src="settings.js"></script>
    <script src="jseyes3_5T.js"></script>

2. Insert the script call in the <body> tag of your page where you want to see the image.
    Insert the following:
    Or call jseyes(x, y) to show the image at absolute position:

3. Edit the parameters in settings.js or replace with one of the pre-prepared alternatives.

// This is where the setting were before moving to a separate file.

// Don't change the stuff below this point (unless you really want to).

// Internal variables.
// bkgImg_x and bkgImg_y are the width and height in pixels of jsbkgimg.
// pupil_x and pupil_y are the width and height in pixels of jseyeimg.
// cursor_id_x and cursor_id_y are the width and height in pixels of cursorimg.
var bkgImg_x, bkgImg_y, pupil_x, pupil_y, cursor_id_x, cursor_id_y;

// center_x[0] and center_y[0] are the center of the leftmost eye in background image jsbkgimg measured from (0,0).
// They're the same as the start_?[0] values. The center_?[1..7] variables are offsets calculated from those start values.
// The circle_x&y[0..7] are perimeter values of each eye, so that the pupil stays within the border of the eye when moving.
var center_x= [], center_y= [];
var circle_x= [], circle_y= [], loop;

var jseyeso= null, jseye0= null, jseye1= null, jseye2= null, jseye3= null, jseye4= null, jseye5= null, jseye6= null, jseye7= null;
var sheet= window.document.styleSheets[0];    // JS link to the external stylesheet.
var x, y, a=false;                // The optional positioning parameters passed from jseyes() on the web page to main().
var tot_center_x= [], tot_center_y= [];        // Eye behaviour calculation arrays.
var eye_z= 6;                    // Sets default pupil z-index.

function javascript_abort() {    // Might need this later.
    throw new Error('This is not an error. This is just to abort javascript');

// Sets the page title, then preloads the background image. Leaves an error message if loading fails.
function jseyes() {
    if (arguments.length==2) {
        x= arguments[0];
        y= arguments[1];
        a= true;

    // Calculates the eye offsets used in the calculations.
    center_x[0]= start_x[0], center_y[0]= start_y[0];
    for (loop=1; loop<8; loop++) {
        center_x[loop]= start_x[loop]-start_x[loop-1];
        center_y[loop]= start_y[loop-1]-start_y[loop];

    document.getElementById("eyes_main").innerHTML= "";    // If this runs, the settings were found; remove that error message.

    if (js_page_title != "") {
        document.title= js_page_title;
//        document.getElementById("js_title").innerHTML= js_page_title;        Not used by TonyMac86.
    document.getElementById("img_init").innerHTML= '<img id="the_background" alt="'
    +' not found. Check file name and path." src="'
    +'" width=0 height=0 onload="init_2()">';

// Gets the background image size in pixels, checks for out-of-range co-ordinates, then preloads the eye image.
function init_2() {
    var background_id= document.getElementById('the_background');
    bkgImg_x= background_id.naturalWidth;
    bkgImg_y= background_id.naturalHeight;

    for (loop=0; loop<(jseyetotal); loop++) {    // If an eye is outside the image border you may not see it, or know which value is wrong.
                            // You can comment out/delete this routine if that's what you require.
        if (start_x[loop]< 0+(eye_w[loop]/2) || start_x[loop]> bkgImg_x-(eye_w[loop]/2)) {
            document.getElementById("error").innerHTML= "Co-ordinate start_x["
            +"] will put the eye outside the boundries of "
        if (start_y[loop]< 0+(eye_h[loop]/2) || start_y[loop]> bkgImg_y-(eye_h[loop]/2)) {
            document.getElementById("error").innerHTML= "Co-ordinate start_y["
            +"] will put the eye outside the boundries of "

    document.getElementById("img_init").innerHTML= '<img id="the_eyeball" alt="'
    +' not found. Check file name and path." src="'
    +'" width=0 height=0 onload="init_3()">';

// Gets the eye image size in pixels, then (optionally) loads the cursor image.
function init_3() {
    var eyeball_id= document.getElementById('the_eyeball');
    pupil_x= eyeball_id.naturalWidth;
    pupil_y= eyeball_id.naturalHeight;
    if (cursorimg != "") {    //Only preload the cursor if that option's been set.
        document.getElementById("img_init").innerHTML= '<img id="the_cursor" alt="'
        +' not found. Check file name and path." src="'
        +'" width=0 height=0 onload="init_4()">';
    } else {

//    main();

// Gets the size of the cursor image, sets the cursor, then calculates the eyeball behaviour parameters.
function init_4() {
    if (cursorimg != "") {    // Get the cursor image size if it's been loaded.
        var cursor_id= document.getElementById('the_cursor');
        cursor_id_x= cursor_id.naturalWidth;
        cursor_id_y= cursor_id.naturalHeight;
        if (cursor_x == -1) {    //Centers the cursor focus point if not explicitly set.
            cursor_x= (cursor_id_x/2);
            cursor_y= (cursor_id_y/2);
        }    // NOTE: The additional "../" in the cursor url is necessary because the .js file looks at things from the
            // location of the .html file it's running from, but the .css file looks at things from it's location in the
            // "/files" directory it's located in. If images/style sheets/scripts are located in the same directory, you
            // can get rid of it. This doesn't apply to TonyMac86.
//        sheet.insertRule('body {cursor: url(../'+cursorimg+') '+cursor_x+' '+cursor_y+', crosshair;}', sheet.cssRules.length);
        sheet.insertRule('body {cursor: url('+cursorimg+') '+cursor_x+' '+cursor_y+', crosshair;}', sheet.cssRules.length);
    } else {
        sheet.insertRule('body {cursor: crosshair;}', sheet.cssRules.length);
    document.getElementById("img_init").innerHTML= "";    // Remove any residual preloaded image data.

    if (eyes_to_back != "") {    // Check if a transparent image is being used.
        if (eyes_to_back == "y" || eyes_to_back == "Y") {
            eye_z= -1;    // Sets the z-index to place the pupil behind the background.

            if (bg_color != "") {    // If the bg color is set.
                sheet.insertRule('td {background-color: '+bg_color+';}', sheet.cssRules.length);
            for (loop=0; loop<8; loop++) {
                eye_w[loop]*= 1.15;    // Increases the eye size by 15% so the pupil moves behind the edges.
                eye_h[loop]*= 1.15;

        for (loop=0; loop<8; loop++) { // Calculates the eye perimeter values.
            circle_x[loop]= ((eye_w[loop]/2)-(pupil_x/2))*((eye_w[loop]/2)-(pupil_x/2));
            circle_y[loop]= ((eye_h[loop]/2)-(pupil_y/2))*((eye_h[loop]/2)-(pupil_y/2));
    var calc_loop_a, calc_loop_b;

    for (calc_loop_a = 0; calc_loop_a < 8; calc_loop_a++) { // Zeros the offset chains.
        tot_center_x[calc_loop_a]= 0;
        tot_center_y[calc_loop_a]= 0;
    for (calc_loop_a = 0; calc_loop_a < 8; calc_loop_a++) {    // Calculates the offset chains for all eyes.
        for (calc_loop_b = 0; calc_loop_b < calc_loop_a+1; calc_loop_b++) {
            tot_center_x[calc_loop_a]+= center_x[calc_loop_b];
            calc_loop_check_b= calc_loop_b;
            if (calc_loop_b == 0) {
                tot_center_y[calc_loop_a]+= center_y[calc_loop_b];
            } else {
                tot_center_y[calc_loop_a]-= center_y[calc_loop_b];

// Find object by name or id
function jseyesobj(id) {
    var i, x;
    x= document[id];
    if (!x && document.all) x= document.all[id];
    for (i=0; !x && i<document.forms.length; i++) x= document.forms[i][id];
    if (!x && document.getElementById) x= document.getElementById(id);

// Move eyes
function jseyesmove(x, y) {    // x & y are variable cursor offsets from top left of browser window.
    var dx, dy, ex, ey;    // ex & ey are fixed offsets of top left corner of jsbkgimg from top left of browser window.
    var r= [];        // dx & dy are variable cursor offsets from the center of the eye being processed.
    var jseye_l= [], jseye_t= [], jseye_loop;

    if (jseyeso && jseye0 && jseye1 && jseye2 && jseye3 && jseye4 && jseye5 && jseye6 && jseye7 && {

        ex= jseyeso.offsetLeft+center_x[0];
        ey= jseyeso.offsetTop+center_y[0];

// ###### EYE #0-#7 CODE #######

        for (jseye_loop=0; jseye_loop<8; jseye_loop++) {
            if (jseye_loop == 0) {
                dx= x-ex;
                dy= y-ey;
            } else {
                dx-= center_x[jseye_loop];
                dy+= center_y[jseye_loop];
            r[jseye_loop]= (dx*dx/circle_x[jseye_loop]+dy*dy/circle_y[jseye_loop]< 1) ? 1 : Math.sqrt(circle_x[jseye_loop]*circle_y[jseye_loop]/(dx*dx*circle_y[jseye_loop]+dy*dy*circle_x[jseye_loop]));
            jseye_l[jseye_loop]= r[jseye_loop]*dx+((tot_center_x[jseye_loop])-(pupil_x/2))+'px';
            jseye_t[jseye_loop]= r[jseye_loop]*dy+((tot_center_y[jseye_loop])-(pupil_y/2))+'px';
    } jseye_l[0], jseye_t[0]; jseye_l[1], jseye_t[1]; jseye_l[2], jseye_t[2]; jseye_l[3], jseye_t[3]; jseye_l[4], jseye_t[4]; jseye_l[5], jseye_t[5]; jseye_l[6], jseye_t[6]; jseye_l[7], jseye_t[7];

// Mouse move events
function jseyesmousemove(e) {
    var mousex= (e)? e.pageX : event.clientX+standardbody.scrollLeft;
    var mousey= (e)? e.pageY : event.clientY+standardbody.scrollTop;
    jseyesmove(mousex, mousey);
//    return(false);

// Main code
function main() {
    var full_img= "", img_head= "", img_foot= "";
    var img= [], html_loop;

    for (html_loop = 0; html_loop < 8; html_loop++) {
        img[html_loop]= "";

    img_head= "<div id='jseyeslayer' style='position:"
    +(a ? "absolute; left:"
    +"; top:"
    +y : "relative")
    +"; z-index:5; width:"
    +"px; height:"
    +"px; overflow:hidden'>";

    if (jseyetotal <1) jseyetotal= 1;    // You can't run with no eyes.

    for (html_loop = 0; html_loop < 8; html_loop++) {    // Place eye and set position, if selected.
        if (jseyetotal >=(html_loop+1)) {
            img[html_loop]= "<div id='jseye"
            +"' style='position:absolute; left:"
            +"; top:"
            +"; z-index:"
            +"; width:"
            +"; height:"
            +"<img src='"
            +"' alt='The eyeball' width="
            +" height="
            +" onClick=\location.href='"
            +"' title='"
        } else {    // Don't place the eye if not selected.
            img[html_loop]= "<div id='jseye"
            +"' style='position:absolute; left:"
            +"; top:"
            +"; z-index:-1"

    if (eyes_to_back != "") {                    // Check if a transparent image is being used.
        if (eyes_to_back == "y" || eyes_to_back == "Y") {    // Attach (optional) link code to background because
            img_foot= "<img src='"                // transparency puts eyeball links behind it.
            +"' alt='The background' width="
            +" height="
            +" onClick=\location.href='"
            +"' title='"
        } else {
            img_foot= "<img src='"
            +"' alt='The background' width="
            +" height="
    } else {
        img_foot= "<img src='"
        +"' alt='The background' width="
        +" height="
    full_img= img_head+img[0]+img[1]+img[2]+img[3]+img[4]+img[5]+img[6]+img[7]+img_foot;
//    document.write(full_img);
    document.getElementById("eyes_main").innerHTML= full_img;
    jseyeso= jseyesobj('jseyeslayer');
    jseye0= jseyesobj('jseye0');
    jseye1= jseyesobj('jseye1');
    jseye2= jseyesobj('jseye2');
    jseye3= jseyesobj('jseye3');
    jseye4= jseyesobj('jseye4');
    jseye5= jseyesobj('jseye5');
    jseye6= jseyesobj('jseye6');
    jseye7= jseyesobj('jseye7'); (start_x[0]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[0]-(pupil_y/2)) + "px"; (start_x[1]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[1]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[2]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[2]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[3]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[3]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[4]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[4]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[5]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[5]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[6]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[6]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px"; (start_x[7]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px", (start_y[7]-(pupil_x/2)) + "px";


Almost forgot, it now needs this inserted in the web page for error messages and image checking:
    <div id="bodywrapper">
        <p id="img_init"></p>
        <p id="error"></p>
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