
The Italian company that was 10 years ahead of Apple - Olivetti

Silicon Valley could have been located in Ivrea Italy but it just wasn't meant to be. Olivetti started out as a typewriter and calculator company in the 1940s. They built the first desktop computer more than 10 years before Jobs/Wozniak made the Apple 1 in California.

For those that read Italian:
L'azienda è stata fondata come produttrice di macchine da scrivere da Camillo Olivetti nel 1908 nel comune torinese di Ivrea, in Italia.
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Silicon Valley could have been located in Ivrea Italy but it just wasn't meant to be. Olivetti started out as a typewriter and calculator company in the 1940s. They built the first desktop computer more than 10 years before Jobs/Wozniak made the Apple 1 in California.


Thanks for posting the video ....

Never knew that Olivetti were so far ahead of the rest of the world back in the early 60's in terms of a personal computer, interesting history that seems to have been forgotten in the tech world.
