
【Sloved】About fixed 'zi-zi' sound for HP out(ALC256)

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Dec 10, 2016
Dell Inspiron 7559-1.0.1-Clover
HD 530 GTX 960M,1920x1080
  1. MacBook Pro
Mobile Phone
  1. iOS
I getting in trouble about fix slight "zi-zi" souds when using headset.The way I trying to fix this is modify the codecommander.By check the audio codec,it seems no Mic at Ext.

Before and after modify the default codecommander(download from Rehabman), '' showed no different :
crackselfs-MBP:~ crackself$ /Users/crackself/Desktop/codeman/
    Pin Widget Control
        nid = 0x02 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x03 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x04 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x05 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x06 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x07 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x08 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x09 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0a --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0b --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0c --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0d --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0e --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0f --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x10 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x11 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x12 --> result 0x00000020
        nid = 0x13 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x14 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x15 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x16 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x17 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x18 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x19 --> result 0x00000022
        nid = 0x1a --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1b --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1c --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1d --> result 0x00000020
        nid = 0x1e --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1f --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x20 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x21 --> result 0x000000c0
        nid = 0x22 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x23 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x24 --> result 0x00000000
Then , to modify the default setting ,manual run command like
hda-verb Node SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00
after run below ,the "zi-zi" sounds disapear.
hda-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00
More test to modify the other Node ,but only "hda-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00" can work.

The problem is after I write this into codecomander, install it into S/L/E(rebuild cache),the modify cannot work,check by run,it still showed nid = 0x19 --> result 0x00000022.No idea why it faile to change.
Here attach the related files,can someone help to find where's wrong? Many thanks.

audio codec:
Codec: Realtek ALC3246
Address: 0
AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 1)
Vendor Id: 0x10ec0256
Subsystem Id: 0x10280706
Revision Id: 0x100002
No Modem Function Group found
Default PCM:
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
Default Amp-In caps: N/A
Default Amp-Out caps: N/A
State of AFG node 0x01:
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 D3cold CLKSTOP EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
GPIO: io=3, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=0
  IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[1]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[2]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x41d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Front Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="ALC3246 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x3c 0x3c]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
    rates [0x60]: 44100 48000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x41d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x3c 0x3c]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
    rates [0x60]: 44100 48000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x04 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x05 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x06 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x611: Stereo Digital
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Digital category: 0x0
  IEC Coding Type: 0x0
    rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x07 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x97 0x97]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x08 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="ALC3246 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x27 0x27]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x09 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x97 0x97]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x0a [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0b [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0d [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0e [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x10 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x11 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40040b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Internal Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x90a60160: [Fixed] Mic at Int N/A
    Conn = Digital, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x6, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x13 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40040b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00010014: OUT EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x90170120: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
    Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x15 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x16 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x17 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x18 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x19 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Headset Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Headphone Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out
  Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00013734: IN OUT EAPD Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 2
     0x02 0x03*
Node 0x1c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x1d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400400: Mono
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x40700001: [N/A] Modem Hand at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x1
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1e [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400781: Stereo Digital
  Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x1f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x20 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00040: Mono
  Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=91
Node 0x21 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x80 0x80]
  Pincap 0x0001001c: OUT HP EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x02211030: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
  Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 2
     0x02* 0x03
Node 0x22 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
  Connection: 5
     0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d
Node 0x23 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x00 0x00]
  Connection: 6
     0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x12
Node 0x24 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
  Connection: 2
     0x12* 0x13


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I getting in trouble about fix slight "zi-zi" souds when using headset.The way I trying to fix this is modify the codecommander.By check the audio codec,it seems no Mic at Ext.

Before and after modify the default codecommander(download from Rehabman), '' showed no different :
crackselfs-MBP:~ crackself$ /Users/crackself/Desktop/codeman/
    Pin Widget Control
        nid = 0x02 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x03 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x04 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x05 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x06 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x07 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x08 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x09 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0a --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0b --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0c --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0d --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0e --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x0f --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x10 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x11 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x12 --> result 0x00000020
        nid = 0x13 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x14 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x15 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x16 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x17 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x18 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x19 --> result 0x00000022
        nid = 0x1a --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1b --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1c --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1d --> result 0x00000020
        nid = 0x1e --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x1f --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x20 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x21 --> result 0x000000c0
        nid = 0x22 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x23 --> result 0x00000000
        nid = 0x24 --> result 0x00000000
Then , to modify the default setting ,manual run command like
hda-verb Node SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00
after run below ,the "zi-zi" sounds disapear.
hda-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00
More test to modify the other Node ,but only "hda-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x00" can work.

The problem is after I write this into codecomander, install it into S/L/E(rebuild cache),the modify cannot work,check by run,it still showed nid = 0x19 --> result 0x00000022.No idea why it faile to change.
Here attach the related files,can someone help to find where's wrong? Many thanks.

audio codec:
Codec: Realtek ALC3246
Address: 0
AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 1)
Vendor Id: 0x10ec0256
Subsystem Id: 0x10280706
Revision Id: 0x100002
No Modem Function Group found
Default PCM:
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
Default Amp-In caps: N/A
Default Amp-Out caps: N/A
State of AFG node 0x01:
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 D3cold CLKSTOP EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
GPIO: io=3, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=0
  IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[1]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[2]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x41d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Front Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="ALC3246 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x3c 0x3c]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
    rates [0x60]: 44100 48000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x41d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x3c 0x3c]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
    rates [0x60]: 44100 48000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x04 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x05 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x06 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x611: Stereo Digital
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Digital category: 0x0
  IEC Coding Type: 0x0
    rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x07 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x97 0x97]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x08 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="ALC3246 Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x27 0x27]
  Converter: stream=1, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x09 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10051b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x3f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x97 0x97]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
    rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x0a [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0b [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0d [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0e [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x0f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x10 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x11 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40040b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Internal Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x90a60160: [Fixed] Mic at Int N/A
    Conn = Digital, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x6, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x13 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40040b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00010014: OUT EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x90170120: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
    Conn = Analog, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x15 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x16 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x17 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x18 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x19 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Headset Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40048b: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Headphone Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00003724: IN Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out
  Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00013734: IN OUT EAPD Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 100
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT VREF_HIZ
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 2
     0x02 0x03*
Node 0x1c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x1d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400400: Mono
  Pincap 0x00000020: IN
  Pin Default 0x40700001: [N/A] Modem Hand at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x1
  Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
Node 0x1e [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400781: Stereo Digital
  Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 1
Node 0x1f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono
Node 0x20 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00040: Mono
  Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=91
Node 0x21 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40058d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x80 0x80]
  Pincap 0x0001001c: OUT HP EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x02211030: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Black
    DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
  Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
  Power states:  D0 D1 D2 D3 EPSS
  Power: setting=D3, actual=D3
  Connection: 2
     0x02* 0x03
Node 0x22 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80]
  Connection: 5
     0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d
Node 0x23 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x00 0x00]
  Connection: 6
     0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x12
Node 0x24 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300101: Stereo
  Connection: 2
     0x12* 0x13

CodecCommander configuration should be customized with ACPI.
See SSDT-*.aml in the CodecCommander repo.
CodecCommander configuration should be customized with ACPI.
See SSDT-*.aml in the CodecCommander repo.
Thanks, problem sloved.what a clean headset! :clap:
By the way ,it look many verbs and parameters for codemander to apply, it's there a guide about them?
Thanks, problem sloved.what a clean headset! :clap:
By the way ,it look many verbs and parameters for codemander to apply, it's there a guide about them?

To understand, you need to read the HDA specification.
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