
Screen goes black for 2 seconds

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I'm actually relieved to find this thread, as it means I'm not going crazy. I built my current hack late last year (9700, 5700 xt) and I've been having random horizontal glitches go through my screen and the occasional black out. I tried various DP cables to make sure it wasn't a cable issue, but never fully fixed the issue. Also, tried to do a screen recording of the problem, but it wouldn't show up in the recording, leading me to believe the problem wasn't software related.

Unfortunately, I'm running an ultra wide monitor (5120x1440@100hz), so I don't have the option to drop down to DP1.2 - the option is greyed out in the monitor options for this resolution. I'm now running the 5700 xt ssdt aml patch, but I still have the same issue. I'll have to monitor with jaymonkey's command above to see if what is happening to me is the same issue. If anybody fully resolves this, please let us know.
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