
Replacing windows keycaps for apple keys

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you could try stickers from ebay or somethwere.

did you alse remap your keys for the windows key to work as apple command key, instead of the alt key as apple command key.

Good suggestions! I will do that and look into what ebay has to offer.

I was wondering: if I buy a macbook keyboard, would that fit into the laptop? I have a hard time finding the dimensions of the keyboard.
Good suggestions! I will do that and look into what ebay has to offer.

I was wondering: if I buy a macbook keyboard, would that fit into the laptop? I have a hard time finding the dimensions of the keyboard.

probably not, and even if it fits, the connector might be different. And even if the connectors are the same, would the ProBook recognize the MacBook keyboard? See the images.

different key configuration:

ProBook layout:

MacBook one:
Thank you Juliopw for your detailed post. The images make it quite clear an apple keyboard is not an option.

Meanwhile I made a cross-topic on They are a website dedicated to these sort of things. I asked them for suggestions, and so far it basically comes down to 3 options:

  1. Remove the existing legend and custom paint/laser the necessary keys. Where or how is unknown. WASDkeyboards might be able to do it.
  2. Get original apple keys and customize them to fit in the Probook
  3. Stickers

Removing the existing legends (option 1) I suspect is quite easy since they are stickers. Custom paint/laser is a bit of a high requirement. I might contact WASDkeyboards for this.

Option 2 requires cutting and shaving or what not. Too much custom work on my part. I'm not good at that.

Option 3 seems to be the easiest option. Stickers can easily give that really cheap effect as I showed in the picture earlier. But since option 1 and 2 are pretty much ruled out, this seems to be the only viable option.

So I did some digging around and stumbled on this website:

As mentioned in the cross-topic I think if I cut closely around the edges (of the key images and text) with a utility knife and get a good result. I might buy a few of these pages, but I'm waiting for possible more options first.
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