
How to edit Chimera to always boot with my options...?

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samisnake said:
to hide partitions, get the drive info from chameleon rather than diskutils, as diskutlis sometimes shows the wrong info.
iirc, you press f10 on the chameleon bootscreen, and it comes up with the info on disk/partition.
guessing you already know the next bit, but just incase, add

<string>Hide Partition</string>
to your boot.plist

(x being the drive, y being the partition)

to change the res of the chameleon theme, try changing it in the theme's info.plist. itll be in /extra/themes/(name of your theme) there should be 2 references to the resolution, change them to your default res.
that fixed i

Excellent. Will try tomorrow evening. Time for some well-deserved rest.

Take care and thanks again.
For those like me that think that an example is better than any explanation here it is:

I have 2 disks, one with Mac and another with Windows, so I want to define who boots by default. I am using Chimera 1.7.2 to switch between Max OS X 10.7.3, Linux and Windows 7.

The file you need to edit is org.chameleon.Boot.plist which is in YourMacDrive - Extra. Easiest is to open the "terminal" and type:

sudo nano /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist

In there you should add pairs of lines with <key> and <string> tags defining the options you need. This is mine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "$
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Default Partition</key>
        <key>Hide Partition</key>
        <key>Graphics Mode</key>
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>
        <string>npci=0x2000 darkwake=0</string>
        <key>Legacy Logo</key>

In there I basically defined which partition (OS) to load by default and which to hide from the menu, among other things.

Which numbers to put in hd(x,y) will depend on what partitions your system has. To find out simply type in the terminal:

diskutil list

"x" will be the disk and "y" the partition.

More info here:
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