
[Guide] Patching DSDT/SSDT for LAPTOP backlight control

Thank you for this guide RehabMan, I enabled the brightness keys on a XPS 9343 with this guide. The patch was using EC queries.

Three questions:

Leaving the brightness up/down button pressed does not continues to lower/increase brightness. Is this expected?

I tried to put the Mirror Toggle as well, but pressing Fn+F8 (which has the Display Mirroring icon) does not trigger any EC. I do get a PS2 reading with ioio. Is there any way to map that to Mirror toggle?

Pressing Fn+Insert makes the computer to shutdown automatically. It triggers an EC that I can read in the logs after entering in OS X again. Any way to disable this in the DSDT?

Thanks a lot!!

I saw you got backlight control working on your XPS 13 9343. Could u share your files / clover setup to get this working? It's driving me crazy since I can't get my display to turn on after closing the lid. I'm hoping this will fix it.

I tried following this guide but there isn't a broadwell fix for the backlight.

Thanks! I appreciate it!
I saw you got backlight control working on your XPS 13 9343. Could u share your files / clover setup to get this working? It's driving me crazy since I can't get my display to turn on after closing the lid. I'm hoping this will fix it.

I tried following this guide but there isn't a broadwell fix for the backlight.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Haswell fix seems to work for Broadwell.
I saw you got backlight control working on your XPS 13 9343. Could u share your files / clover setup to get this working? It's driving me crazy since I can't get my display to turn on after closing the lid. I'm hoping this will fix it.

I tried following this guide but there isn't a broadwell fix for the backlight.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Haswell fix seems to work for Broadwell.

Yes, I used the Haswell fix for Yosemite and worked just fine.
Hi, i did not understood the "Brightness Key" part of the guide...
Read post #1.

i did but got lost at this:

RehabMan said:
The first step is to determine if they are handled by PS2 or ACPI. With my driver, you can use 'ioio -s ApplePS2Keyboard LogScanCodes 1' to turn on the key logging to system.log. The ioio binary is available here: (please read the README for download locations). After turning on key logging, monitor system.log with to determine what PS2 codes (if any) are generated when you press your keys). If they generate PS2 codes, you can map them to backlight control by following the wiki:
i did but got lost at this:

You need to run ioio as described to turn on scan code logging, then check system.log.

But I'm 100% certain your keys are handled via ACPI, not PS2.