
DPCIManager 1.5 Open Beta

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version #253 now up, running until Aug 2nd. No changes
I am getting an issue like a couple others.. it just starts and quits immediately before the GUI shows up. Any ideas?
I am getting an issue like a couple others.. it just starts and quits immediately before the GUI shows up. Any ideas?

That means you have an older version that has expired like bad milk. Download the most recent version.
I just did ><

Is it possible 10.8.4 broke it?
So what you are saying is im screwed?! lol

e/ Until he releases the next one?
Apologies for the wait, I tried to set aside enough time to release DPCIManager this weekend, but still didn't come close enough. Instead I have pushed a massive commit with most of the new code to the repository, but it is not complete.
I am posting #254, to expire on the 9th, until when I should have enough time to compile the latest flashing tools and polish the rest of the release. These expirations are important because of the security issues involved: flashing is no laughing matter and these tools could do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. I have no problem posting the non-security-check code as I've done now, and will be updating the wiki with build instructions for the included binaries when I get a chance.
As always, feature requests are welcome, but I have a GPU framebuffer configuration panel on the roadmap. It would read a card's ROM and compare its ports against the system kexts' entries to find a suitable match; i.e. suggesting Muskgrass and AtiPorts=4 for my 6570.
version #255 up, until Aug 6th. preparing for release this weekend.
version #256 released. As always please report issues expeditiously
wiki updated with binary build instructions
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