
  1. jiyang1018

    PowerMac Reloaded | A Gift for My Girlfriend | Over 100 Pics in Page 1 | Alert

    Also seen here on my personal website: http://www.design4paragon.com/power-mac-reloaded.html First glance of Apple computer was around 1999 when i was still in high school, and it was the iMac G3 with color transparent shell. It just looks amazing, still does today, but I never got a chance to...
  2. war6000

    Power Mac G4 QuickSilver Mod W.I.P. (almost done)

    This is my first case modding and my first Hackintosh build. The end result is already being tested by a friend to check for Hackintosh and case mod build stability. MOBO: Old HP leonite CPU: C2D E4300 PSU: Pulled from an old eMachine. Ram: Just a bunch (4gb) of DDR2 HDD...