
How do I get to my kext files ?

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I'm not sure what you mean by "rebuild the kext" But if you mean rebuild the kernel cache, easiest way is Apple recommended 'touch /System/Library/Extensions'. Next boot will not use Kernel Cache (you can also force that with "-f") and system will rebuild cache automatically.

what do i enter -f into terminal or the chimera boot screen ?
Yesterday i tried running multibeast and at the end it said installation failed ?
what can i do to keep this from happening ?
And what could be the issues of it not starting, also I can only boot in safe mood which could be the issue.
Yesterday i tried running multibeast and at the end it said installation failed ?
what can i do to keep this from happening ?
And what could be the issues of it not starting, also I can only boot in safe mood which could be the issue.

You are probably not using it correctly. What options are you choosing? Be sure to read the documentation and follow the guide (

Also, you should fill out your profile so people know what kind of hardware you have. It is part of the rules:
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