asus z77 sabertooth

  1. AjayM

    Is this hackable

    Okay this is my first post so youll have to be pretty patient with me, im building a video rig so i can do animations and what not, the biggest problem ill have is picking the parts So far i have this basket The specs are i7 3770k 8gb corsair ram asus...
  2. mwgriffin

    Help! Asus z77 Sabertooth Nvidia GTX 670 Intel 1-7 3770-k not getting to install

    I can't seem to get this build to boot into the installation screen. It consists of an Asus z77 Sabertooth motherboard, GTX 670, and Intel i7 3770-k. I typed the following and hit enter "PCIRootUid=0 GraphicsEnabler=No -x -v" It seems as though everything loads until it hits the following...