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  1. therealgiblet

    NFS exports

    Hi I'm trying to add a directory to exports so that I can mount a share via NFS on a client. However, there seems to be a load of weird stuff in my exports file. When I use command sh-3.2# cat /etc/exports {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0...
  2. therealgiblet

    Bootloaders - how do they work?

    Hi I've successfully used multibeast to help build my hackintosh which has been very successful. I used the Chameleon bootloader which works perfectly. Since Chimera has been released I've been trying understand exactly what a bootloader does. I cannot find any really 'good' information on...
  3. therealgiblet

    [SOLVED] P6T audio

    Finally got the time to mess about with this x86 project again and have nearly acheived full functionality except for my audio. All my ram is recognised, processor, graphics - I can boot without iBoot - hurrah! Anyway, somethings wrong with my audio.... I'm hoping the messages below might help...
  4. therealgiblet

    Nearly there - P6T i7920 5850

    Hello First my system specs: P6T Deluxe V1 i7 920 6gb RAM 1tb SATA HDD HD 5850 I used iBoot + Multibeast to setup my Hackintosh. I had great success. I installed ATYinit to get my graphics card working. I used DSDT Auto Patcher to create DSDT.aml for my motherboard and installed it with...