Recent content by Taxi

  1. Taxi

    ATAPI Zip drive on a Hackintosh... Pipe Dream?

    Okay, I get it. You guys don't like Zip drives. Thanks.
  2. Taxi

    ATAPI Zip drive on a Hackintosh... Pipe Dream?

    I do know what is on the disks, and some of I want to retrieve very badly. Granted, this is a small percentage of the total, maybe 20%, but still... I'm fairly certain that most of the data is intact, my Zip disks are not giving me the "click of death" just yet, but I am worried they may start...
  3. Taxi

    ATAPI Zip drive on a Hackintosh... Pipe Dream?

    (I did several searches and didn't find what I was looking for, so apologies if this is an oft-asked/answered question and I missed it. Skip down to the TL;DR to avoid the potentially boring details.) So, I have several Iomega Zip 100 disks with old Mac files (Circa 1993) on them that I would...