Recent content by StoneyMahoney

  1. StoneyMahoney

    POLL: 980Ti vs AMD CF vs Mixed for Use in a Mac Pro

    Ok, useful to know, thanks. I've seen plenty of comparisons showing the 980ti being outperformed in BruceX by a variety of 'inferior' AMD cards in the final render process. That's not really a problem for me, but I've heard that scrubbing through footage and previewing effects takes a *huge*...
  2. StoneyMahoney

    POLL: 980Ti vs AMD CF vs Mixed for Use in a Mac Pro

    I'm planning on upgrading an official Mac Pro with a couple of X5690's and a new GPU setup. My intention is to edit video under FCPX and game under Boot Camp using an adaptive sync monitor. I'm aware of the FCPX performance issues with the 980Ti and the spotty compatibility and scaling issues...