Recent content by sreenivasulu88

  1. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    no its not working even after this....
  2. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    ok i will try and update
  3. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    BTW, how do I install the kext....where is it located in the zip file. In the "debug" folder or "release" folder????????
  4. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    yes but nothing works.
  5. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    I installed every driver which is present in the multibeast. One from Atheros and Applenet and Intel 2.2.0. I also tried with an external usb internet adapter. It connects but it says it has self assigned IP. I dont know what to do
  6. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    After deleting the old kext. How do i recreate the kernel cache. Can you help me with the steps...NOOBIE Alert
  7. sreenivasulu88

    internet not working

    i installed the drivers using the Multibeast. But still it does nothing. Please help.