Recent content by Mrhashishah

  1. Mrhashishah

    [Guide] Asus G750JW High Sierra 10.13.5

    could you please provide us with links of kexts and clover options. i am just a noob i tried but the more i dig into it the more i get lost
  2. Mrhashishah

    [Guide] Avoid APFS conversion on High Sierra update or fresh install

    Check this out And thank you In advance Edit: i guess i fixed that out by running LS and CD command but what worked for my case is CD /Volumes/os2/"macos high.. .." then i used the provided command it worked
  3. Mrhashishah

    [Guide] Avoid APFS conversion on High Sierra update or fresh install

    i tried to do first method and then i got error no such file or directory then i said let's try the second method i get same error when using cd command
  4. Mrhashishah

    [Guide] Asus G750JW High Sierra 10.13.5

    could you please re upload your efi folder again