Recent content by EricK9900

  1. EricK9900

    [SOLVED] New Mojave Build Stuck on Prohibited Sign

    Sorry lysj, I haven't been on here for a while. Actually... I've kinda given up on my build (temporarily). I'm going to wait until there is official i9 support. I've just not been able to control it's temperature on Mojave. Just gonna ride Win10 on this thing for now... I hope you find your...
  2. EricK9900

    macOS Native CPU/IGPU Power Management

    So I've seen some posts about similar builds to mine with a i9-9900K, but not many of them mention much or anything about CPU heat issues. Can you nudge me in the correct direction at least? What are my options if any right now?
  3. EricK9900

    macOS Native CPU/IGPU Power Management

    For the life of me I just can't get this right (or the right recipe) on my build. Any others out there with an i9-9900K ? Not looking to overclock, just want to it run at normal temps... In Windows I hover around 29C when Idling... in Mojave it boots at about 40C, then slowly creeps put to...
  4. EricK9900

    [SOLVED] New Mojave Build Stuck on Prohibited Sign

    BreBo, Thank you for getting me past the boot part. I worked all the other hurdles and settled on a 95% working Mojave install with the following efi drivers and kexts that I listed in screenshots (taken on the hackintosh and posted this reply from it). Now i just need to tweak some power...
  5. EricK9900

    [SOLVED] New Mojave Build Stuck on Prohibited Sign

    Alright. Adding USBInjectAll.kext & using a USB2 hub got me passed that!... then.... once the installer loaded, it did not see any of my SATA drives, so I found AHCIPortInjector.kext and added that... boom... drives show up on next boot. Now I'm stuck on the installer hanging at 2 minutes left...
  6. EricK9900

    [SOLVED] New Mojave Build Stuck on Prohibited Sign

    Been on this for a week... scoured many similar threads in the forum and tried a bunch of things but nothing seems to work. Here is my exact build (every single component was picked from the Buyer's Guide section. I understand that there is no guarantee that my combination will work 100%)...
  7. 20181219_205523


  8. 20181219_205606

