Recent content by deepodo

  1. deepodo

    THE Solution:Dell DW1820A (Broadcom BCM94350ZAE) macOS 15

    Does anyone know how to get bluetooth properly working? I have tried @gaghost's kexts, and while they establish a proper connection, I cannot switch sound over to my AirPods. I also tried BrcmBluetoothInjector+BrcmFirmwareData+BrcmPatchRAM2 (should be same as @gaghost?) and I get no Wifi and...
  2. deepodo

    THE Solution:Dell DW1820A (Broadcom BCM94350ZAE) macOS 15

    EDIT: Attached Kexts Folder, and config.plist
  3. deepodo

    THE Solution:Dell DW1820A (Broadcom BCM94350ZAE) macOS 15

    Yes, i am on Catalina, 10.15.2. No pin masking, it actually breaks wifi completely for me
  4. deepodo

    THE Solution:Dell DW1820A (Broadcom BCM94350ZAE) macOS 15

    In reference to my last post, i have now figured out my issue. The reason 5ghz was not working was something between AirportBRCMFixup and declaring the compatible:4353 id. I switched to compatible:43a3(theoretically i can just remove this, since it the real id of my card), and AirportBrcmFixup...
  5. deepodo

    THE Solution:Dell DW1820A (Broadcom BCM94350ZAE) macOS 15

    So i have been using my 1820a for a while now, in my Thinkpad X1 Carbon. I originally started using Catalina, with the modded 802.11 kext. It works pretty well, with crashes only on boot. Once i get into the OS, it is solid. But with the recent findings of the pci-aspm, i wanted to try the...