Recent content by coldbloodx

  1. coldbloodx

    [Help!]MSI X99A Raider Can't boot. Stop at PCI Configuration begin

    I have same motherboard, but for CPU and GPU, I have Xeon 1620 V4 and GTX 970. And I've also get trouble with Sierra, but I'm stucking in: "DSMOS has arrived..." The boot argument we have are different: Here is mine: <key>Arguments</key> <string>slide=0 darkwake=0 npci=0x2000 -v...
  2. coldbloodx

    Sierra and EI Capitan can not be installed on MSI X99A Raider.

    Hi All, I'm building my Hacintosh with Clover on my computer. Here are details about it: MB: MSI X99A Raider. CPU: XEON 1620 v4 Mem: Samsung DDR4 2133 16G X 2 HDD: a. Samsung PM961(M.2) b. WD Green 2T GPU: Gigabyte GTX 970 mini itx I've tried to install Sierra 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, but all...