Recent content by bg8s

  1. bg8s

    Building a CustoMac: Buyer's Guide February 2013

    Article: Building a CustoMac: Buyer's Guide February 2013 Comment from youtube about overclocking GA-Z77N-WIFI Beaware that this board does not overclock, only has 4 phase vrm and no controls in bios for vcore etc. If you want to overclock look...
  2. bg8s

    Building a CustoMac: Buyer's Guide February 2013

    Hi Tony! Any idea what the real difference between GA-H77N-WIFI and GA-Z77N-WIFI? At it's looking pretty close to each other. By the way what's the main purpose of using TP-Link PCI Express wifi adapter? Does it means that build in onboard wifi-bluetoth 4.0 from gigabyte is not working?
  3. bg8s

    Official HD 4000 Support

    Hi! I've got Gigabyte Z77-DS3H with intel 3570K CPU. I've made everything work using unibeast 1.5.3 and multibeast 5.0.2 instead of build in graphics (Correct me if I'm wrong but this configuration should use Nvidia HD 4000 internal graphics) So with graphics enabler=yes I've got some color...
  4. bg8s

    UniBeast: Install OS X Mountain Lion on Any Supported Intel-based PC

    Article: UniBeast: Install OS X Mountain Lion on Any Supported Intel-based PC Hi! I've got Gigabyte Z770DS3H with intel 3570K CPU. I've made everything work using unibeast 1.5.3 and multibeast 5.0.2 instead of build in graphics (Correct me if I'm wrong but this configuration should use...