Recent content by atwatsoniii

  1. atwatsoniii

    Continuity and Handoff Capable Apple Mini Cards + PCIe and mini-PCIe Adapters
  2. atwatsoniii

    Mac OS X 10.7.2 Update - The Official Thread (Desktops)

    Had to rerun Multibeast twice for some reason to get HDArollback installed. After that all seems well.
  3. atwatsoniii

    10.7.0 DSDT Sleep fix?

    using kernel flag darkwake=0 in org.chameleon.Boot.plist fixed the display problem for me. Now just having problem with usb freezing if I wake via keyboard/mouse.
  4. atwatsoniii

    10.7.0 DSDT Sleep fix?

    Same story here. It seems like it's up and running, but the screen is blank.