Recent content by apying

  1. apying

    [FIX] Chrome graphics issues (but without turning off graphics acceleration!)

    if you are using Nvidia driver 387., you can update your driver , and then reset chrome. now, my chrome and vscode can work fine
  2. apying

    WindowServer memory leak on High Sierra?

    Thanks , It worked. hardware: i5 8400 + Z370 + GTX1050
  3. apying

    WindowServer memory leak on High Sierra?

    GTX 1050 + 2k the same
  4. apying

    [FIX] Chrome graphics issues (but without turning off graphics acceleration!)

    I just the some issue when set enable-gpu-rasterization as default , you can `cd /Applications/Google` and run `./Google\ Chrome --disable-gpu` maybe you can get page content, and then set chrome://flags/#enable-gpu-rasterization disable, rerun chrome
  5. apying

    [FIX] Chrome graphics issues (but without turning off graphics acceleration!)

    create a file 'code' with: #!/bin/sh nohup /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ --disable-gpu > /dev/null 2>&1 & and sudo mv code /usr/bin/code sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/code and startup vscode in terminal: code. this is temporary way
  6. apying

    [FIX] Chrome graphics issues (but without turning off graphics acceleration!)

    Nice! chrome work well. and how to config for VSCode?