Recent content by ajrob27

  1. ajrob27

    Xcode 8.3 simulator cause panic

    I wonder if this is related to what @znithy was saying here about how "CUDA toolkit fails to support the new xcode 8.3." Maybe we'll have to wait till the CUDA toolkit supports Xcode 8.3.
  2. ajrob27

    Updating Xcode causes Kernel Panic

    @ggriffin13 I wonder if your issue could be related to issue I'm having with Xcode 8.3. More details in this thread,
  3. ajrob27

    Xcode 8.3 simulator cause panic

    I am having the same problem @hzy. Updated to Xcode 8.3 for iOS development and now running the iPhone simulator causes my hackintosh to crash and reboot.
  4. ajrob27

    NVIDIA Releases Alternate Graphics Drivers for 10.10.5 (346.02.03)

    Do these drivers happen to include G-Sync? Thanks!