
GA-z77x-UD5H HD4000 Win7+ML setup issues -- Please Help!

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Wow, I got graphics working again under OSX.

Screen Shot 2013-01-19 at 6.53.22 PM.png

I removed the device code from my plist and installed EasyBeast, restarted, and boom, graphics problem fixed. Last time I did that it royally hosed my build. But maybe that was just random

Now on to try and fix the dual boot problem...

First step I'm going to clone what I've got. Then I'm going to try to uninstall EasyBCD from Win7 and see where that leaves me.
It seems that the problem is due to installing Win7 and ML as EFI.

None of the guides I read warned me not to install Win7 via UEFI boot. So I'm stuck using F12 in the BIOS to select the boot disk. If I select the EFI partition it goes into Win7 and if I select the SSD itself it goes into OSX.

I guess I can live with that for now. Particularly since I'm becoming less of a fan of OSX the more I work with it. Probably because I'm just too used to Windows.

Two of the systems I'm building will live mostly in Windows anyway and the third will spend most of its time in OSX.
If you want to make your hack life a lot easy, get a harddrive for each OS you want to install. I currently have your exact configuration, i use a GPT SSD for ML and a MBR HDD for windoze. The funny thing is i had to look for a way to disable chameleon boot disk choosing (i like the f12 bios method), but bottom line is i used this setup on several builds and never had issues, having both OSes on the same hdd can cause problems like the one you encountered.

Also, most of the folk round these parts are migrating to Clover bootloader, as iMessages within Messages are currently broken on Chameleon.

EDIT: I used this here post to setup my board. If you are using HD4000 instead of your GeForce, that should just work OOTB.
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