
[README] Common Problems in 10.13 High Sierra

Slow boot with APFS and TRIM

The new APFS file system is much more sensitive to SSD hardware/firmware compatibility with regards to TRIM than HFS+J. Incompatibility will result in slow boot and other problems (battery status not showing, trackpad prefpane not showing, etc).

Two solutions available:
- disable the any TRIM patch you may be using (eg. no TRIM support for your SSD in that case)
- or, install on HFS+J

For installing on HFS+J, read here:

My battery status works well, and i'm not sure if i have a slow boot. Do i really need to disable Trim on high sierra? i enable trim with a clover patch

Haswell (and Broadwell) lags/pauses/unresponsiveness shortly after boot (and after wake from sleep)

Shortly after login (and somewhat prior to login), the mouse and/or graphics may seem unresponsive. This usually clears up after about 20 seconds. The same effect is observed after wake from sleep.

May be related to SMBIOS changes, as similar effects were observed when using MacBookPro11,2 with previous versions of OS X/macOS. But now the problem appears also with MacBookAir6,2 and MacBookPro11,1.

The solution appears to be removing unused connectors from the ig-platform data in the framebuffer kext:

Note: In some cases, this is issue from 10.12 is already fixed in 10.13. YMMV.

I'm using broadwell, and i'm not sure if i have this problem. Do i still need to do a repatch for HDMI ports?


    2.1 MB · Views: 188
My battery status works well, and i'm not sure if i have a slow boot. Do i really need to disable Trim on high sierra? i enable trim with a clover patch

Your choice, not mine.

I'm using broadwell, and i'm not sure if i have this problem. Do i still need to do a repatch for HDMI ports?

Don't apply fixes for problems you don't have.
Your choice, not mine.

So i try to compare between trimmed and non trimmed.
- Boot time 36-37s
- Blackmagic Disk Speed Test: Write 462 Read 495

Non Trimmed:
- Boot Time 33-34s
- Blackmagic Disk Speed Test: Write 454 Read 499

now i'm confused here. Yes, disabling trim apparently gives me a faster boot time (not really that significant, though). but the other thing is, why enabling/disabling trim doesn't really affect my read/write speed?

so, what do you suggest if you are me? keep the SSD trimmed, or not?
So i try to compare between trimmed and non trimmed.
- Boot time 36-37s
- Blackmagic Disk Speed Test: Write 462 Read 495

Non Trimmed:
- Boot Time 33-34s
- Blackmagic Disk Speed Test: Write 454 Read 499

now i'm confused here. Yes, disabling trim apparently gives me a faster boot time (not really that significant, though). but the other thing is, why enabling/disabling trim doesn't really affect my read/write speed?

so, what do you suggest if you are me? keep the SSD trimmed, or not?

It is really your choice, but keeping TRIM on non-Apple SSDs has been shown to be problematic, especially with APFS.
sir rehabman I have a sleep issue after wake after wake got slowdown my laptop keyboard system preference etc
I saw kextstate lpc not loaded and intelcpu how to fix it. I m using your clover version I m waiting for your answer
sorry my English written is weak
problem reporting file attached


    2.3 MB · Views: 155
sir rehabman I have a sleep issue after wake after wake got slowdown my laptop keyboard system preference etc
I saw kextstate lpc not loaded and intelcpu how to fix it. I m using your clover version I m waiting for your answer
sorry my English written is weak
problem reporting file attached

This is not a troubleshooting thread.
Open a separate thread.
I can tell you didn't read the FAQ.

Sorry about that, anyhow I was planning to buy the BCM94352HMB and I kept getting the AzureWave brand when I am looking at Ebay and our local webstore but the specific model was the said item itself. Should I get the item even if it's the same model?
Sorry about that, anyhow I was planning to buy the BCM94352HMB and I kept getting the AzureWave brand when I am looking at Ebay and our local webstore but the specific model was the said item itself. Should I get the item even if it's the same model?

Azurewave is a common OEM for BCM943252HMB.