
Intel i225-V Internet fix and AppleIGC.kext boot error

Well, I'm be doggoned. I referenced this thread, which recommended adding a minkernel value of 22.0.0 for macOS 13. So, I added a minkernel of 23.0.0 to AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext, added the e1000=0 boot argument, and rebooted. Ethernet is working. Go figure.
I've been struggling getting ethernet to work ever since I updated to Sonoma. I used this info with the boot-arg and mini kernel setting but using the AppleIGC.kext.

After these changes started working too!

Since installing Sonoma I cannot get Handbrake to process any files -- even ones that it's processed before. It performs the subtitle scan and then errors out. Very odd.

The other thing that no longer works in Sonoma is Software Update. It always says I have the latest version installed. I have to download the full installer and use that to update.

I'm just happy having ethernet back.
I've been struggling getting ethernet to work ever since I updated to Sonoma. I used this info with the boot-arg and mini kernel setting but using the AppleIGC.kext.

After these changes started working too!

Since installing Sonoma I cannot get Handbrake to process any files -- even ones that it's processed before. It performs the subtitle scan and then errors out. Very odd.

The other thing that no longer works in Sonoma is Software Update. It always says I have the latest version installed. I have to download the full installer and use that to update.

I'm just happy having ethernet back.
Good to hear your ethernet is up! Regarding automatic updates, you should add boot-arg "revpatch=sbvmm" to your config.plist and the auto-updates should pop up again.