
Crashes always preceded by kernel[0]: zalloc did gc

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Whooooo - feeling pretty good about this right now, as my kernel_task did something that seemed unthinkable last week: it actually went DOWN. Doing some RAM-heavy tasks throughout the night (transcoding a day's worth of footage), will report back in the morning.
@ppohio Good to hear!

In other news, I checked out kozlek's FakeSMC repo. Here's hoping the leak(s) that killed us have been fixed :)

Same here, kernel_task has been staying right around 1GB since I switched FakeSMC last night.

@wonkywonky fantastic! Looks like that was the exact problem we were getting. Hopefully it'll be out soon...
Almost certain that it's solved now. Looking at the iStat Server graphs compared to what they've been like for the past few weeks, the wired memory is actually staying flat!

Excellent. I'm glad I posted here - after spending 3 weeks banging my head against the wall wondering what I did to break my machines and finding nothing useful in Google, I was so sure at one point it was just me, and was this close to wiping everything and doing a fresh install (which would have ended up solving nothing, as it turns out).
Has anybody tried the updated Multibeast 5.5? Looks like there's changes to the FakeSMC stuff in there. I am on deadline until the 21st so I haven't taken the plunge yet...

Yep, works great.
Has anybody tried the updated Multibeast 5.5? Looks like there's changes to the FakeSMC stuff in there. I am on deadline until the 21st so I haven't taken the plunge yet...

Been using Mavericks with Multibeast 6.0 for about 24 hours now, no issues.
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