Recent content by tornado99

  1. tornado99

    i7-5775C (Broadwell)...

    MSI Z97I Gaming Ack, Bios set to IGP primary device (and I swap the DP cable to the internal DP before booting). To confirm, I tried 0x16220000. Perhaps built-in support is in El Capitain?
  2. tornado99

    i7-5775C (Broadwell)...

    In both those cases the system crashes during bootup, so I cannot send an io reg. With 0x00002216 and 0x02002216 at least I get to the desktop. Any other suggestions I'm happy to try.
  3. tornado99

    i7-5775C (Broadwell)...

    like this
  4. tornado99

    i7-5775C (Broadwell)...

  5. tornado99

    i7-5775C (Broadwell)...

    Tried both. Only get 14MB of VRAM in both cases (64MB set in Bios). Screen is laggy and no transparency on dock. Using Displayport. Is there a better solution? Also, is there a way of switching between a dGPU and iGPU inside OS-X? thanks
  6. tornado99

    Iris Pro 6200 and compatibility with current OS X?

    boots just fine with latest Clover :-), but you need a dGPU for now.
  7. tornado99

    Broadwell i7-5775c/Gigabyte Gaming 7 - Keyboard/Mouse Problem

    Hi, I was wondering if you tried using the CPU Frequency string in your clover .ini file, rather than auto-detect? <key>FrequencyMHz</key> <string>3200</string> I'm also interested in buying a 5775c or 5675c
  8. tornado99

    Working Kext for Killer E2200

    Hi, Does anyone know where to get a kext for functioning Wifi - Killer 1525 chipset ?