Recent content by NippOnz

  1. NippOnz

    Edit about this mac on Yosemite?

    Im using English but im still couldn't find CPU_TEXT. Did u find anyway? Thanks
  2. NippOnz

    Edit about this mac on Yosemite?

    Sorry, now the only one problem is I can't change the processor. Thanks
  3. NippOnz

    Edit about this mac on Yosemite?

    Sorry my friend, there is nothing in SPInfo.strings file. Do I need to save your file to somewhere in my mac?
  4. NippOnz

    Edit about this mac on Yosemite?

    Guys, anyone know how to edit the about this mac on yosemite? I've tried so many ways but it doesn't work. I would like to change Cpu, Ram , and the graphic card. Thanks